Super Healthy Ends Challenge 2010!

I'm in! I had to cut abt 2 inches off my head (1. for shaping and 2. for starting my ends anew.)
Excited to start this challenge.. wooooooot!
My ends are perfect. They are thick and cut bluntly (??) I don't think it can get much better than this. I protective style 99% of the time and I moisturize my hair every day. I am currently 4 weeks post and I don't plan on relaxing the earlier than mid november. And I think I will skip the trim this time and do it the following relaxer in '11
Haven't posted in a while but my ends seem to be holding up pretty good. I did a light dusting last month. I have learned the different between dusting my ends, S&D and a trim but I need to improve my protective styling. In the past I would do major trims when I really didn't need it but now I can have healthy ends and length! :grin: Now I need to work on doing more protective styles. :ohwell:
Hi all it's almost 6 months oct 10th and my stretch will end soon!! I have had tremendous growth. I may now be shoulder length!! mY ENDS look fab, but I will know when I relax and see how much of a trim I need! I enjoyed the challenge and won't b able to attend round two.:nono:you guys are and inspiration and me being bald at the beginning of my journey from cancer(now cancer free!!!) has came a long way in health n length and learned how to retain it!! here's and update you can compare my pic in my siggy although my hair isnt relaxed right now you can still see the difference. you ladies stay sweet n god bless!!

Divastyle, your progress is amazing. Hopefully, you will continue the healthy hair practices you have learned. I am also glad to know that you are cancer free.
Girl, you dug deep into your bag of tricks for this one. What is it? And how'd you find it? And, how's it working? TIA.

NJoy I just happened to be browsing through old posts and realized that I never answered you. So sorry! Its just a hair oil blend that is sold out here in Turkey. It smells good and its supposed to be all natural oils. The consistency of it, however, leads me to believe that there are cones in it. My hairdresser introduced me to it when he added some to my DC. It gives great shine and softness.
NJoy I just happened to be browsing through old posts and realized that I never answered you. So sorry! Its just a hair oil blend that is sold out here in Turkey. It smells good and its supposed to be all natural oils. The consistency of it, however, leads me to believe that there are cones in it. My hairdresser introduced me to it when he added some to my DC. It gives great shine and softness.

Dang girl! That was back in Feb? :lol::lol::lol: Well, better late than never. Thanks for the info. Sounds nice. :lick:
Divastyle, your progress is amazing. Hopefully, you will continue the healthy hair practices you have learned. I am also glad to know that you are cancer free.

thank you!!! I will, I actually started my own challenge, its called the ApL GROW ON CHALLENGE!!but I appreciate your comments!!stay blessed and hhg!!!
This cooler weather has wreaked havoc on my ends.:evil: I will go back to bunning for the fall and winter. I have been using extra conditioner, moisturizer and oil (JBCO and EVOO mix or Argan Oil) on my ends. I have been baggying more frequently and my ends are getting back in shape. It's time, once again, for silk scarves and knit hats to protect my hair from the cold.:sekret:
Well I popped back in to say protective styling with my ends tucked away have really helped me! My ends stopped breaking and became really strong. The weather here has been f-in it up but i'm on it! Silk scarves, hats with silk inside and protective styling will keep me good~!