Transitioners Checkin


New Member
I thought this would be fun. Just to see who is all transitioning to natural and to see who we can all ask questions of.
I am transitioning with out the BC. My last relaxer was March 2007. I was natural in 2005 but decieded i didnt know how to care for it. now that i do, i am back to basics....
Just want to see who is all there with me to keep a tally
Hi!! I am transitioning. My last relaxer was March 22 (give or take a day) 2007. I decided to go natural in April 2007. So I am almost 4 months into my transition. I first went natural in the Summer of 2000, but put the relaxer back in my head in the Summer of 2003 (worst mistake ever...damn family members and their stares). I am happy I am going natural. I love my natural hair. I can't wait until 3 years from now. Hopefully I will be among the greats like Bublnbrnsuga, TurnerGirl, Pinskates, UMBlessedBeauty_1..and so many more on this wonderful site.
Well here I go again. I am also transitioning to natural without the BC. I transitioned for 15 months or so in 2003 and then chopped and texturized and LOVED my texturized hair but it was alot of work and whend I was pregnant with my 2nd son, I didn't have the patience for texturizing anymore so I relaxed straight 'cause I knew how to easily handle relaxed hair. But I really love texture and body and puffs and waves and curls and bigness :dance7: !!!

So I am transitioning to natural this time. I chopped to neck length and plan to wear phony ponies, corn rows and braids to grow out my hair and I will chop a little bit of relaxed ends off every 2-3 months depending on growth. Hopefully between supplements, BT and increased water consumption and DC, I will be able to BC next spring. But what I GOTTA do is learn to cornrow - I think all will be lost without that :lachen: !!
I'm 5 months into my transition
I will not do the BIG CHOP
I'm getting by with my signature
style, the "SouthernTease"
basically, I co-wash everyday!!!
pin the ends up and then hide
them so they never see the light
of day. That's That...
well, i guess Im transitioning, i havent relaxed my hair since i found out i was pregnant with my daughter in July of last year. I so love the waves and curls yet miss the extra length and straightness of relaxed hair, im torn! So for now, Im 12 months into transition.
I'm transitioning w/o the BC. I am 3 months post. I basically wear pony tails and twist outs. Taking Biotin lots of water, DC and BT to help with the transition.
I've decided to give au naturale a go. Going on 8 months since last touch up. My hair feels healthier, stronger and I love my little curls. I got a trim today and will gradually cut out the relaxed ends over the next year. I can't do the BC. I'm doing weekly rollersets and using steam rollers.
I've been transitioning since Dec of last year. Made a HUGE mistake by bc'ing way too early:mad: Right now, I'm torn between texlaxing or even texturizing. I love the naturalness of it all, but the cut I have stinks!! It's way too short for me to be able to do anything with...HELP
Well I thought I would say hello I am almost five months into my transition going well right now the only thing is detangling I think I am going to try afro detangler
Checking in :)

I am a little over 3 months into my transition, I am also transitioning without the BC. My plan is to BC somewhere in the area of 18-20 months, and do mini chops between. I figure if I can make it to 9 months without relaxing, I am smooth sailing. It seems that months 5-9 are the hardest.

I will say that my hair is shedding BIG TIME when I wash. Then again, after I wash, I pull it back into a pony, and dont touch it til I wash again. SO I guess the amount of shedding (long strands, not breakage) are to be expected, since I am only manipulating my hair on wash days (about 2-3 days per week).
I'm really considering going back to natural. Since I haven't relaxed my hair yet....hubby has noticed my new growth curls and asks why I don't wear my hair curly anymore. So we discussed it and I'm thinking of transitioning.
It's going to be hard....but I'm going to give it a good try. I'm not going to cut any we'll see. :ohwell:

My last relaxer was in Jan. 2007. I cut my hair to chin length to get used to having shorter hair. I have just been getting trims every month or two. I either flat iron my hair or do a twist out.
I'm transitioning, 5.5 months and counting. If and when I reach 1 year, I may BC. But if not, definitely at 2 yrs...
Transitioner checking in!:D This is my 3rd and last time doing this.
this is my 10th month and i don't plan on doing a BC at all. I'm a 4z and have a lot of relaxed hair left I trim about every 3 months by twisting my hair and clipping the ends.
My tried and true style is 2 strand twists in a bun, kind of boring but it solved my demarcation broken hairs problem quick. I wash my hair with my twists and re-do them as needed. i will be trying to keep them in for about a month at a time.

Do any of you do rollersets on your hair to airdry???
i've been thinking about this for when my hair is out of twists and i want to put it in a bun
Transitioner checking in here! I'm about 20 weeks post relaxer (March 1, 2007). My scalp can no longer tolerate relaxers (even mild ones), hence the underlying reason for the transition. I plan to do so without the BC (just trim about one inch every 2-3 months).
Transitioning sistah checking in. My last perm was on Jan. 2, 2007. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the feel of my new growth and cannot wait until I have a head full of NATURAL hair. What a blessing God has given us sistah's. The versatality of a kinky, curly natural crown of beauty.
checkin in!

im just barely over the 5 month mark. Who ever in here mentioned 5-9 months getting difficult...ill take your word for it because as i hit 5 months i noticed ALOT more tangles/shedding/and breaking.

I probably will do a BC around 12 months; less if i just cant take it anymore/ more if my haor continues to grow as slowly as it has been lately. ( i just started up on biotin again so we'll see )

Definately love playin in my NG though!
Hey there, I'm currently transitioning. I think I'm at ten months, I just check my ticker when I need to remember how far along I am.

I don't want to do the big chop and I've managed to keep my hair looking pretty decent so far, but I noticed some thinning in the relaxed areas (due to breakage, I was air drying and wearing a bun too often) and I may have to get rid of the relaxed ends sooner than planned.

I have to say that my hair stayed in better condition when I flat ironed it more often, so I'll have to do that in order to transition for another six months or so.