Who Was Your First Hair Idol?


This forum exists because we want long healthy hair. Who had the first head of hair that made you say, "I want hair like that!"

For me it was Darcel Wynne of Solid Gold. I didn't know if her hair was all hers or not, all I know is I wanted it!:lachen:

A few years later Sade came on the scene and her hair made me :drool:

Shoot, I think I am still chasing that and its been years.

How about you all?

Cocosweet--- you brought back some memories with this one!!:grin: Looked forward to it every Sat. night.

I used to LOVE Solid Gold. I wanted some Sade hair myself when the mid 80's came around.

The one and only Farrah Fawcett. She was my mom's hair idol and she became mine too. My mom wore this style for years and years!
I never wanted long hair in my life xD I loved short well mainteined and neat hair, actually i came into this board cause i just became natural and i didn't know how to take care of it and i loved the natural recipes forum here. After beeing here, i realized that i wanted to have long hair cause of her


From Hair Shots

I just love her hair, is beautiful

That is Terri LaFlesh..I'll be doing a review on her book soon.

celebrity wise I agree with aaliyah

Fotki wise- It was babygurl? who is/was a member here for awhile. I remember running across her thick shiny man and my jaw dropping.
Jennifer Freeman from my Wife and Kids. Loved her curls and length!

Before her though, it was Keri Russell from Felicity. Though she is Caucasian, I really liked her hair when it was long and curly.
My mom. She had long, fine light brown gorgeous hair. She always wore this loose, messy bun with silky tendrils hanging down.
Jayne Kennedy
Jacklyn Smith
Lynda Carter, when her hair would move when she spun around... I would try every time.

My girl crushes.
My afro idols were the Sylvers:


My version of their BAAs, circa 1975:


Straight-hair idol was Cher - I didn't find out she was White until after Sonny & Cher were off the air. :blush: She had an incredible tan!
Before the hair forums since becoming natural: Hilary (Fresh Prince of Belair), Maxine Shaw (Living Single...I loved her hair), Cree Summer, Lauryn Hill and my Mom ***my favorite***

From the boards: Yante Coi, Shalilac, N4U2LM, NappyNic, Got2bme, Micarae.
Lawd, Marcherieamour. I stumbled upon one of her videos where she unwrapped her hair and it just cascaded down to MBL. She's the reason I'm here on LHCF :yep:.
My hair idol was Mel B. I used to wish I had her hair instead of my short relaxed hair and always used to wonder how she got her hair like that.
Will always be Ms. Yaya Dacosta. :love4: She is the reason why i went natural in the first place. P.S. she should have won :grin:


