Hair Type


Well-Known Member
Ladies, how can I tell what hair type I am? I know that there is the 3a, 4b... thing but my hair is relaxed. It has been that way as long as I can remember. So, I really can't tell. I thought that it was 4a or 4b. But, I was feeling my new growth today and it looked kind of like 3b. But, I am not really sure. Can some people with 4a, 4b and 3c tell me how their new growth looks?
Hair typing can be very deceptive. It's difficult to tell what hair type u are are especially if your hair is relaxed or short. For many people, the curl/coil pattern changes as they acquire length. With me for instance, I started off with medium corkscrews after cutting off my relaxed hair. Now that my hair is gaining length again, the corkscrews are getting looser as a result of being weighed down.