Jacked up hairline not so jacked up after all...


Well-Known Member
You can see in the photo that I have a little "divet" of hairlessness to the right (left in photo) of center along my hairline. That, plus the thinner temples, makes my hairline looked jacked up. I've only noticed it a few times over the years, (I think because the hair was always long and smooth there, not kinky like now). Anyway, I just assumed it was hereditary, because I've never experience breakage along my hairline.

Well what do ya know--three days ago I noticed there are little hairs sprouting up in that area! :eek: Seems that maybe over the years I'd knocked that little area bald.

Did only a few things differently over the past ONE week than I've been doing for the past EIGHT months: increasing sulfur (eating the egg yolk instead of chucking it), lightly and briefly massaged scalp with vatika oil/sulfur (but that was like two times) and finally, like three times this week I used this pomade I purchased six months ago from a local vendor. It's all botanical, but I wasn't feeling it when I bought it. Ingredients include nastursium flowers, rosemary leaves, alkanet root, white sage leaves and a bunch of other florals. The vendor is natural, and she says her hair grows like crazy with it. Of course, I can't find her card right now to order more, but I'm on a mission to find her, cause now I'm loving this stuff!:lol:

Something's going right, because now I'm seeing hair growth I didn't even know I needed. I'm excited and surprised that there's hope for that little divet, and probably my temples too, but I will admit that it's a bit disturbing to realize that I burned my hair off my hairline and didn't know it. :(

PrettyHaitian said:
Congrats! I hope you find her card, I'd love to try it also.

I hope I find her card too--I think this stuff I really beneficial--and it smells wonderful too (and it's pink, so it's pretty, LOL). It also makes my hair look shiny and feel so moisturized. The braid out in my avatar was a day after I first used the stuff, and the shine is not just from the flash.

I don't know how I slept on the product.
Congrat, I'm very happy for you, I felt this way when my daughters hair started to fill in (in the same spots as yours).