Longest You've Ever Left Conditioner On


Well-Known Member
ladies what's the longest you've ever left condioner on? I am sitting here with some motions oil remoisturizer conditoner on and I am contemplating leaving it on till after work tomorrow... under my wigcap weave of course:D I'm wondering if I'll have any adverse effects....my hair is so dry all the time. I'm wondering of this might help...hmmm
i did that once...left it on overnight with a plastic cap which turned my hair to mush...and then over night covered which made my hair hard.
I've left it on for about 16 hours ( parts of one evening, all night long, and early morning). I was too lazy to finish the drying and curling process. It didn't affect it adversely, but it didn't really make it any more manageable, either.
Last week I co washed my hair every morning, then put a moisturizing conditioner on and left.. then did it all over again everyday.
3 days...I was home and lazy...I didn't have any negative effects...after I sprayed with a tiny bit of Infusium23 for good measure
I put it in sunday morning and wasked it out wednesday night lol, I loved how my hair feel after that's the longest I left it on, but I usually sleep overnight with it its quite normal for me:)
I leave it on dry hair as a prepoo every Friday night overnight. It's usually 6pm on Sat before I do my normal poo and deep cond. I just tie a scarf over my plastic cap and run any errands that I need to do. My hair is never over moisturized from it. I really think that it's helped with the healthy condition of my hair.