Tell Everyone What Is the BEST Things You Do For Your Hair!!!

1. Keeping my scalp healthy (ACV rinses, jojoba oil, scalp spritz, sulfate-free shampoos)
2. Moisturizing and sealing with oil (using all/mostly natural moisturizers, spritzes, and cold-pressed/organic/unrefined oils)
3. Keeping my hair healthy + strong (deep conditioning Always with warmed up conditioners and oils for 1-2 hours, twice a month)
4. Protective Styles (for me, just a simple everyday bun)
5. Vitamins + Supplements+ Diet (multi-vitamin, B-Complex, healthy diet)
6. Water (drinking half of my body weight in ounces everyday)

*Oh yeah, using heat protectants when I blow dry (Tresemme) and flat iron (Chi Silk Infusion)*
deep conditioning consistently
-low manipulation via cornrows
-Eliminating the Salon
-Drinking Water
-Flinstones Vitamins &
-raw baby spinach salads (yum)
-scalp massage
*conditioner washes!!! which basically boils down to less heat and more water...
* deep conditioning weekly
* low manipulation... cowash, ponytail, etc
For all the Newbies and Discouraged hair growers, tell the board what is the best things you do for your hair and why it helps.

I'll go first! :grin:

  • Protective styles (Bunning and weaving) : protects ends from manipulation to retain great length and enhances thickness
  • Stretching : Enhances hair thickness and gives me enough new growth to relax
  • Texlax instead of bone straight relaxer : Hair is much stronger
  • Moisture, Moisture : No breaking hair
  • Co-Washing : Hair is softer longer and I dont have to DC as much
What About You?


These answers are everything that I was going to say.

Gets pretty repetitive and boring week after week, month after month but the results are soooo worth it.:yep:
Bunning. That is my number one.
Every night I moisturize, bun and wrap the bun in plastic cut from grocery bags. Sounds totally silly but, I believe that's contributed a ton to retaining length.
1. Using quality products
2. Deep Conditioning treatments at least 1x per week
3. Texturizing
4. Co-washing several times a week
5. Covering my hair at night
Deep conditioning and washing weekly..
I'm also going to try and stop airdrying... I notice when I air drying in a bun b/c i notice when I comb my hair, there's a lot of shedded hair. After all this time, I *now* see why airdrying in a wet bun could be troublesome.
Water daily
protective styles
Keeping hair products simple and manageable

Oh and did I mention Water and lots of it?:grin::yep:
Moisturising and sealing twice a day :lick:
Baggying :paperbag:
Low manipulation (putting hair in plaits twice a week)
Minimal combing :afropick:
Hiding my hair (wearing wigs as protectives styles)
Taking supplements
Ayurvedic rinses and oils.
Hot Oil treatments twice a week :yep:
Scalp massages
Deep conditioning twice a week :love:
TRANSITIONING! Relaxers are not for everyone :nono2:
Being extra gentle with my hair :angel2:
Keeping it Simple! :thumbsup:
Thank you ladies for posting. I hope this inspires something to keep doing what they are doing or tweak their regime for maximum results.
Great thread!

1) Eating a proper diet (protein, fruits, grains, veggies)
2) Lots of Water
3) Co-Washing Daily
4) Treating my hair like silk :)
Deep Conditioning. Regularly.:yep:



Cutting back on the heat.

Basically, putting moisture back into my hair.
Finding the Neem Bar.
I had horrible flakes, a sign of an unhealthy scalp, even when I washed twice a week with all kinds of special shampoos (dandruff, dry scalp, etc). The Neem bar has helped my scalp tremendously and my hair is flourishing because of it.