Do you have a weave addiction?

  • Yes! And weave me alone!

    Votes: 30 16.1%
  • Yes and I have no idea what else to do with this head!

    Votes: 10 5.4%
  • No! I don't touch that stuff!

    Votes: 30 16.1%
  • No but it does not bother me that others wear it.

    Votes: 27 14.5%
  • No but I will be getting some sooner or later.

    Votes: 17 9.1%
  • No, I occasionally wear it for a certain look.

    Votes: 41 22.0%
  • Why do people keep making these threads? Get some business!

    Votes: 31 16.7%

  • Total voters
I used wigs at the beginning of my naturall journey because i had no idea what to do with my hair.. I BC-ed in winter so it kind of acted as a barrier between the harsh weather and my hair. Now that its longer I'm getting more options, but I still wear it every now and then if i feel like something different... I love weaves.. I'm not a weav-a-holic though
Weaves, Wigs, Phony Ponies or Braids!

It's all about having CHOICES! I've had EVERY style imaginable. Relaxers, Braids, went natural, Wore Wigs, Then Braids, then texlax, then phony ponies, Jheri Curls, bobs, long and short and almost damn bald! It's about versatility~! And as Ethnic/Black Women I think we are the most VERSATILE women on the planet! This is a blessing no matter what anyone says. Do you wear a bra because it gives you more confidence? Why then do some of us even bother to comb our hair...Why not wear the same outfits everyday(cleaned and fresh of course)? Because we all like to be versatile. What works for you may not work for all...however, if GOD wanted us to all look the same...we would! What if they passed a law that made it illegal to where your natural hair:blush:? I would die!! I would also die if they said I couldn't wear my weaves, wigs and phony ponie!:blush:

Now we've all seen bad weaves...I've had some awful ones myself! Oh, well...it's just hair...Live and Learn and Love!
I'll bite...:look:

I've been wearing sew-ins back to back since Nov '07 to grow my hair out. One of the reasons I did it was in an effort to give my edges a break b/c I've been wearing braids for years...and also when I have my natural hair out I was pulling it back with a panty hose. I figured this would be less stress on my edges and also prevent me from my constant trims.
Ummmm I dont need rehab. My first 2 installs were sl curly, my 3rd was an angled bob and the last two have been straight almost apl. My goal is bsl but 1. I dont want to pay for 12-14" of hair and 2. I'm just not ready to deal w/ all that hair yet, esp. if it's not mine. My hair is presently apl but I'm not going to cut, color, or straighten it to achieve any of the looks that I've had over the last 9 mos. I'll see where I'm at when I hit 13 mos on my bday...but to be honest this has been expensive and I have a lot of complaints from people missing my natural hair. So I dont know about doing this for yrs on end. It's done it's job and after another install I'll be over it. I miss messing in my hair.
I've rocked my natural from 10th grade onward, prob one the most difficult times as far as peer pressure is concerned. Didn't care then dont care now. So I dont have a phobia of wearing it or some dysmorphia thinking that it's ugly. I have a goal and I'm reaching it. :rolleyes: It's my hair...I spent $200 on it. pls and thnks.

I don't know if thats you in your avatar but your hair is BEAUTIFUL
ITA, I am a "to each his own" person as well. However, when my friend came to my home unhappy and crying that she can't do a damn thing with her hair and actually has to cut her hair and the weave out because of a bad weaver then yes I make it my business. I was so frustrated because I was trying to give her tips on how to keep her hair moisturized. And she fought me every step of the way because I have a looser curl pattern than she and she just kept saying we have different hair. I tried to tell her it didn't matter. I also felt guilty because I am happy with my hair except my fear of trimming and impatience with aquiring my hair goal.

Oh, and then there is my sis-in law, Lawd! She still uses the "good hair" term. :wallbash: She used to wear weaves and wigs. I think I helped her a little. She said that because of her type of hair it would not grow past her shoulders. I asked her how often she cut it and of course every month she gets a trim. I told her that if she wanted longer hair cutting it isn't the way to do it. :spinning:

Maybe I just needed to vent. :perplexed

Maybe its not so much that they're addicted to weave, but the weave dependence is a symptom of a much larger and much deeper problem: buying into the notion of good/bad hair:ohwell:. I believe that you are attempting to dissociate one hair care practice from another when they're both deeply entrenched within the psyche of blacks. I.e. the result of having bad hair that can't grow ---->leads to relying on weaves to get the "good hair" that you don't naturally have

In any case, I love wigs (most look like my natural hair texture or length) (I do not like sew-ins/ or glue-ins because I don't feel I could properly take care of my hair underneath). As of now I an inch or two shy of bsl, but I find that when I wear them and leave my hair in braids underneath or twists, my hair retains length much faster.

Are you saying that all women who wear weave are protective styling? Come on now. The creation of weave was not to protective style it was to add length where there was none. And I don't have a problem with that. I have a problem with those that have problems with their natural hair and are using weave to avoid "dealing" with their natural hair. In my strange way I want to help by disscussing this topic. YET AGAIN! :grin: Bear with me as I am still considered a newbie. :yep: I thought that was part of this forums goal, to help each other? :ohwell:

On this site yes I will agree that many of the women here are very intelligent and know how to turn something that was meant to add instant length into a hair growing aid. I honestly believe that for many, weave has become a lifestyle like the saggy baggy bottom boys you see walking down the street. :nono: Don't get me started, that's another thread ........

You may be offended and I don't blame you as we black women tend to be easily offended when it comes to hair matters. I have no interest in any stars but I thank you just the same for offering it.

:lachen: @ Snarky

I did not say all my dear, I said a lot. And I was specifically referring to women on this board.

A lot of ladies here use weave as a protective style and wear it well. A lot of them will probably find your snarky tone offensive...hence the one star.

BTW I didn't even rate your thread.
i would wear weaves as a protective style. if i could afford it. but i cant and im not going to save money for it either (ngga got bills). it doesnt make me much of a difference... weaves are nice from time to time but i can live without them. i got a ton of retention from them though :sad:

my sister has a "weave addiction". she used to have longish hair and i guess shes scarred forever now that she doesnt anymore. her hair is apl, but its overprocessed so it is very thin. her hair might be comparable length wise in some styles but it would not look the same as it does with the weave hair. now shes been wearing weave for a couple years straight and cant seem to stop getting them. she thinks people believe thats her real hair :lachen: yeah i thought the same thing too when i had a weave. now im like :lachen: i was tripping.

A lot of ladies here use weave as a protective style and wear it well. A lot of them will probably find your snarky tone offensive...hence the one star.

:yep: yep. im not offended but i certainly feel the original post is over the top, unnecessary, and maybe even childishly insecure. imo, sew ins are the BEST protective style, bar none. now what if someone only wears weave for a protective style and youre telling them "do you think you need therapy"... uh yeah... bit much...
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I wear half wigs and hair clips and I love them!!!

Versatility is the name of my game. I love my relaxed 4a/b hair but I like switching it up sometimes.

IT'S JUST HAIR.......no biggie to me!
If other people want to wear it for whatever reason, that's them. I have NO opinion what so ever as far as that goes, and If I did I wouldn't post it here anyways...(because real life and long hair care forum life are two totally different things!!:look:)
i think this is it in a nutshell. she's condemning a protective style option on a board where most women achieve their hair goals thru some sort of PS, as well as talking about women IRL who wear WL blonde weaves cause their real hair is brown and ear length and will stay that way till they take better care of what they were given. or at least i assume this.
I used to wear them when I had given up on my hair and didn't know how to really take care of it. Now that its thriving, I have absoultely no reason to go back to them - I LOVE my own hair even though it's not as long as I want it to be right now. I think the forum has given me a new found respect and adoration for my hair that *I* never had when *I* wore weaves. :yep:
me too :yep:

Are you saying that all women who wear weave are protective styling? Come on now. The creation of weave was not to protective style it was to add length where there was none. And I don't have a problem with that. I have a problem with those that have problems with their natural hair and are using weave to avoid "dealing" with their natural hair. In my strange way I want to help by disscussing this topic. YET AGAIN! :grin: Bear with me as I am still considered a newbie. :yep: I thought that was part of this forums goal, to help each other? :ohwell:
one, not a person in here said ALL women use weaves as protective styles...two, i dont think the word "avoid" is proper; more than likely they are not trying to AVOID their real hair but one of two things is going on:

[if she is a member of LHCF] she is transitioning or going for a new hair goal; she doesn't have a lot of time to pre-poo/shampoo/DC/all that stuff multiple times a week; or she is not avoiding anything cause underneath is healthy hair. AND she moisturizes her real hair daily, lol

[if this is a random person not on LHCF you feel compelled to comment on, and it BETTER be matted or have pink highlights or something] maybe she doesn't know how to take care of what is underneath. notice the 'maybe'.


now that i've gotten off my soapbox i will answer the other questions; i have had three weaves, one was in my 2nd year of college and the other two were at the beginning of my 3rd year. all three were about APL. the first one was ok but i feel now that it looked unnatural for reasons i will not elaborate on right now. the second one was the best looking, had the best quality hair (or so i thought at the time) and got me tons of compliments; i got it because simply put it was my dream hair length. but boy was i embarrassed when the star basketball player was dancing with me and laid his hand on the top of my head and felt all those tracks. the third one was because i didnt want people to know how long my real hair was, but when it came out it took my real hair from SL to neck length cause i didnt take care of it. sort of like a self imposed rehab followed cause i had to learn what to do to get my hair back where it used to be. my transition and discovery of LHCF followed, hi guys :drunk:

BUT even though i had a bad experience, i would get another weave...now that i know what to do (and now that i know of reniece) and i am not all that pressed about making people think my hair is long. it will be there in a few months anyway, so now my reason for getting a weave would be to try a style i cant do with my natural hair. i want an angled bob so bad but i aint cuttin a damn thang. the same goes for bangs.

btw great thread; i sure enjoyed my late night on LHCF. FIVE STARS! sike.
Look, I used to talk about my sister having a weave addiction and how much she didn't love herself, and yaddy, yaddy, ya! I mean, I was really talking about her.:lachen::look:Fast foward 2 years, and her hair is draping and it has surpassed me:wallbash:. So I don't talk about anyone. My mother, who has WL hair, alwayssssssssssssssss wears a wig. I mean she has worn it for years strait. They don't overly obsess about hair care like I do on these boards, the really keep it simple. I just sit there with my foot in my mouth, when they are around their houses combing out their long hair:perplexed. So, I don't talk about anyone. Sorry, just do you! Now, I am off to get some braids.:lachen:
Look, I used to talk about my sister having a weave addiction and how much she didn't love herself, and yaddy, yaddy, ya! I mean, I was really talking about her.:lachen::look:Fast foward 2 years, and her hair is draping and it has surpassed me:wallbash:. So I don't talk about anyone. My mother, who has WL hair, alwayssssssssssssssss wears a wig. I mean she has worn it for years strait. They don't overly obsess about hair care like I do on these boards, the really keep it simple. I just sit there with my foot in my mouth, when they are around their houses combing out their long hair:perplexed. So, I don't talk about anyone. Sorry, just do you! Now, I am off to get some braids.:lachen:
good post!:yep:
LOL @ the ppl who just came in here to tell the OP off...:grin:
Wait a minute---am I the only one who thought this topic was to be taken in 'jest'?:blush:
I mean how could the OP be serious and expect soemone to discuss the issue with her?
Weave=Dependancy=Rehab...? Sounds like a joke to me.
Well....maybe it's just because I'm in a silly mood.

OP, ma'am, if you were serious...>>smirk<<...uhh, 'catch more flies with honey..."
You know what I mean?
You need to work on your 'ppl skills'.

LOL...ppl are a trip.

Well--I'm moving on to a more 'pleasant' atmosphere.
Negativity makes my nerves bad.
But ya'll...
How ya'll gon get riled up behind what someone said on a MESSAGE BOARD...?
You knew you were gon get upset before you clicked on the dern link. I know you can't resist...but I bet some of ya'll prolly got flip with or told the ***** (or some other *****) about herself in one of the last 3 weave posts.
I know it. LOL

Ppl will think as they will.
The way I look at it: If a person can't put their perceptions into perspective---and instead chooses to force their own version of reality on everybody, by making broad sweeping and ridiculous generalizations about people they don't even know---then what else is to be said about them.....?
....OTHER than the fact that they're entirely too stupid to be taken seriously in the first place...?
....and whyyyyy would you exert energy on an obvious half-wit?

Shoot--ignore this thread.
She's either trollin about or a very abrasive individual.
Why keep feeding the monster?

You always (not really, just once) think people are posting in jest. You were (mostly) right in my case, but this post sounds way too snarky IMO. But what do I know:rolleyes:
I have no problem wearing weaves regardless of what ANYONE has to say. Currently, I'm using them now as a protective style, and I will continue to do that until I reach my goal.

Even if that wasn't the case, because in the past I did wear mainly as a styling option, it is my decision so I really don't give a damn what anyone else thinks.

ITA!!!!! I don't wear weaves, but I don't care who has one nor go out and put my weave rador on to suspect any woman with long hair as having weave. To be honest, if it is properly done (sewn in, good grain of hair that matches own texture, etc) and a means of protective styling I don't only think it is a great style, but do no see anything wrong with it.

Also on another note, I don't judge anyone with a weave for merely 2 reasons. One, I, myself in my late teens and early 20's had bad breakage from perming and getting a weave professionally done every few months helped my hair to grow back. Secondly, I know a few women who wear weave...back in the days I would say, oh there she goes with her weave, but when she took the weave out, her natural hair was just as long as the weave.

If I had to agree on anything from the OP, I would not blame weaving concept, but the means of being cheap and purchasing cheap weave and having some round the block person to glue or have way sew it in for cheap.

Are you saying that all women who wear weave are protective styling? Come on now. The creation of weave was not to protective style it was to add length where there was none. And I don't have a problem with that. I have a problem with those that have problems with their natural hair and are using weave to avoid "dealing" with their natural hair. In my strange way I want to help by disscussing this topic. YET AGAIN! :grin: Bear with me as I am still considered a newbie. :yep: I thought that was part of this forums goal, to help each other? :ohwell:

I am not ashamed to say that most times I don't feel like dealing with my own hair. It can be a pain. But, I love my hair, as well as everything else about myself. But, weaves or braids to give MYSELF a break? I am all for it. Honestly, since I turned 30, I just look at life so differently than I had in the past. Most times, dealing with my crazy wild hair is just not at the top of my list. But, looking hot and sexy is, so I will get some braids and put them up with an extra large Flexi-8 clip and keep on steppin.

I am not mad at any woman that just has other priorities. We have so many other things to worry about. Honestly, I wish african american women cared more about their health and mental well-being more than hair and nails, but that is just me.
Shoot I just saw the thread on lace fronts . . . who needs weaves. Some of these look so natural and beautiful.
My niece has been struggling financially and after she told me what she spends on her hair, it made me want to slap her weave backwards.

Please vote on weave poll.

OMG that quote just made me LMAO!!!
I had a weave once. It was put in by an amateur (didn't know this) and all my fell out. Never again! I once had a ponytail clip-on dependency yrs ago. My BSL hair was ruined by a hairdresser and I had to cut it very short. I missed my long hair so the ponytail was a crutch till my hair grew at a length I was comfy with.

You are a bit harsh, but very funny.
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Although I love to wear all kinds of styles and hair colors. The idea of someone sewing or pasting weave in my hair makes me cringe and want to do violence. I personally have a disdane for it and I noticed that I am getting more and more digusted by it. Depending on how it's worn it can have a serious ICK factor for me. It's strange because I'm a To Each His Own, type of person. There are just so many woman wearing weave that it really bothers me. And they are obvious weave, bad weave. Tracks everywhere for a fleet of cargo trains. Like they don't care about how it looks. I'm even sad about it because I really like our natural hair and I find myself very curious of the various natural textures and lengths. Which I'm not able to see when it's buried under a heaping mound of horse tail hair. I truely believe that there is a co-dependency.

So many women are wearing weave like it came from the roots. I do not own a wig nor have I ever worn weave. I would love to have a short wig. Halle style. There is something about that Halle style that looks gorgeous in a strapless cocktail dress. But to wear it everyday, would make me mentally ill. Come on now. Unless I have a medical scalp and hair problem.

My niece LOVES weave and thinks her mother should get one just to have it or to make her feel more confident. I think it's more for my niece than for her mother. To have some put in to make it look natural can be very expensive. My niece has been struggling financially and after she told me what she spends on her hair, it made me want to slap her weave backwards.

Please vote on weave poll.

I generally wear weaves when I am exercising on a regular basis because it gives me the freedom to curl & straighten my hair post workout.

I don't have a problem with a weave, but if the OP's niece is spending more than she can afford on weaves then her budget/finance problem is bigger than her hair. I establish a beauty/hair budget every Jan.

Wearing a weave is a protective style & an ez way of caring for my hair when I am traveling in humid climates or exercising a lot.

You wouldn't see my "natural" hair even without a weave because I am relaxed.

At the end of the day, if another person's styling choices are that important to you, you may want to be the one to consider therapy since you raised the issue.
At the end of the day, if another person's styling choices are that important to you, you may want to be the one to consider therapy since you raised the issue.


Seriously though, OP you should consider where you are posting concerning such a thing because women on this forum (maybe not always women in real life, but I can say these women here) use weave and reap amazing benefits. I even grew my hair from could barely fit into a ponytail to full shoulder length with a weave, and then once it hit there, I stopped wearing weave, and it stayed there for months until I found LHCF.

If you are just being funny, okay cool, but think about how the women who wear weaves must feel reading that. Like you are looking down on them saying they are tacky etc. What's your favorite hairstyle that gives you good results? Just replace the word 'weave' with whatever that style is that you like into your post and try to be empathetic. It's not nice and we really don't need that kind of attitude around here. It's not progressive, and we are all here trying to move forward to goals of healthy/long hair.

I can say, you probably weren't intending to be mean, but just...think before you post, and when people call you out on it, don't be wrong and strong. There is no need to be snappy and hold on to your pride when you hurt some one else, intentionally or unintentionally. Just own up and keep it moving.

Seriously though, OP you should consider where you are posting concerning such a thing because women on this forum (maybe not always women in real life, but I can say these women here) use weave and reap amazing benefits. I even grew my hair from could barely fit into a ponytail to full shoulder length with a weave, and then once it hit there, I stopped wearing weave, and it stayed there for months until I found LHCF.

If you are just being funny, okay cool, but think about how the women who wear weaves must feel reading that. Like you are looking down on them saying they are tacky etc. What's your favorite hairstyle that gives you good results? Just replace the word 'weave' with whatever that style is that you like into your post and try to be empathetic. It's not nice and we really don't need that kind of attitude around here. It's not progressive, and we are all here trying to move forward to goals of healthy/long hair.

I can say, you probably weren't intending to be mean, but just...think before you post, and when people call you out on it, don't be wrong and strong. There is no need to be snappy and hold on to your pride when you hurt some one else, intentionally or unintentionally. Just own up and keep it moving.
Weave wearer speaking up! I have my own hair, its healthy, etc. Weaves if put in correctly, and maintained correctly have alot of advantages.
  1. Excellent Protective Style with little to no daily manipulation
  2. Allows you to stretch your relaxers or transition your hair
  3. Typically assists in accelerated growth and even hair growth
  4. Allows you to change hair style or color without the commitment
I can go on and on. Bottomline, people wear weaves for alot of beneficial reasons. Don't knock it till you try it.

Seriously though, OP you should consider where you are posting concerning such a thing because women on this forum (maybe not always women in real life, but I can say these women here) use weave and reap amazing benefits. I even grew my hair from could barely fit into a ponytail to full shoulder length with a weave, and then once it hit there, I stopped wearing weave, and it stayed there for months until I found LHCF.

If you are just being funny, okay cool, but think about how the women who wear weaves must feel reading that. Like you are looking down on them saying they are tacky etc. What's your favorite hairstyle that gives you good results? Just replace the word 'weave' with whatever that style is that you like into your post and try to be empathetic. It's not nice and we really don't need that kind of attitude around here. It's not progressive, and we are all here trying to move forward to goals of healthy/long hair.

I can say, you probably weren't intending to be mean, but just...think before you post, and when people call you out on it, don't be wrong and strong. There is no need to be snappy and hold on to your pride when you hurt some one else, intentionally or unintentionally. Just own up and keep it moving.

I couldn't agree more. Very well said. :yep:
I generally wear weaves when I am exercising on a regular basis because it gives me the freedom to curl & straighten my hair post workout.

I don't have a problem with a weave, but if the OP's niece is spending more than she can afford on weaves then her budget/finance problem is bigger than her hair. I establish a beauty/hair budget every Jan.

Wearing a weave is a protective style & an ez way of caring for my hair when I am traveling in humid climates or exercising a lot.

You wouldn't see my "natural" hair even without a weave because I am relaxed.

At the end of the day, if another person's styling choices are that important to you, you may want to be the one to consider therapy since you raised the issue.

I agree with much of your post. My niece is very intelligent and has much to learn. I have confidence that she will figure out her financial and hair issues.
I knew this would be a sensitive topic and I expected some gruffness from some of the members. And again these are my opinions. And my feelings. Excuse me for having one. I thought that's what this forum was for. Expression of our thoughts, feelings and opinions. I guess not. As you can see by some of the posters, I am not the only one who feels this way. So people now need therapy for raising issues. LOL Give me a break that's more than half of the worlds population. If you will re read my post it addresses those with a weave addiction. Which I believe there are a great many women whom are addicted to weave for various reasons. I also asked if it is an addiction or is it protective styling or whatever. I wanted to know. I also welcomed the opinions of others. I don't wear weave so I only seek understanding of something I don't care much for. Although I do understand certain aspects of it.
I think 'some' women ARE DEPENDANT on weaves. I live in L.A. and I'd say 7out of 10 black women that I see on a daily have a weave. The other 3 need one, or this forum, or somethin. Just like I noticed 9 out of 10 women had relaxers after I went natural. I ain't natural no more so I ain't hatin! I'm just sayin.

Can we talk? I have family members that I've NEVER seen w/o a weave! EVER! Even if they are in between weaves they have a fake ponytail til they get to 'da shop'. I have no idea what their 'real' hair looks like how long, short, thick or thin it is and neither do they. They're not trying to grow their hair out, they're not transitioning, they don't care if they're bald underneath, they don't give a hoot about their hair, they care more about what that weave looks like. I think for people like that, it's a problem and strange to me cause I've never been dependant like that.

I've worn a weave maybe 3 times years ago strictly FOR LENGTH when I had short hair and off and on for protective styling after I had longer hair. People I know now ask me why I would have a weave cause they know I have hair and my weaves are ALWAYS shorter than my real hair. They have no clue about protective styling or having a weave for styling options. To them a weave is to get hair you don't have, period. I doubt the people I know are the minority.

eta: lol @ the poll results :lol:
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Seriously though, OP you should consider where you are posting concerning such a thing because women on this forum (maybe not always women in real life, but I can say these women here) use weave and reap amazing benefits. I even grew my hair from could barely fit into a ponytail to full shoulder length with a weave, and then once it hit there, I stopped wearing weave, and it stayed there for months until I found LHCF.

If you are just being funny, okay cool, but think about how the women who wear weaves must feel reading that. Like you are looking down on them saying they are tacky etc. What's your favorite hairstyle that gives you good results? Just replace the word 'weave' with whatever that style is that you like into your post and try to be empathetic. It's not nice and we really don't need that kind of attitude around here. It's not progressive, and we are all here trying to move forward to goals of healthy/long hair.

I can say, you probably weren't intending to be mean, but just...think before you post, and when people call you out on it, don't be wrong and strong. There is no need to be snappy and hold on to your pride when you hurt some one else, intentionally or unintentionally. Just own up and keep it moving.

Sui Topi, I understand your feelings. Women wear weave for various reasons from co-dependence, protective styling to medical hair and scalp problems. Like I have stated I seek understanding and yes I was pulling your leg also. I wanted to add humor to an issue that can get very heavy. That's just apart of my personallity. I think you and other posters are taking this topic too serious. I actually find the posts here insightful. Btw, I never said all people who wear weave are tacky and you know full well there are some tacky broke down weavers out there. Actually I know some people and have seen many women who have a gorgeous head of hair that's weave. It certainly had me thinking hmmmm maybe. Well not really!

I am very happy and proud of the LHCF members and their hair successes. :yep: My thread does not actually address the women here. I was actually addressing my niece and other women that I know and have seen. Again I think you feel I am judging you when I am not. Remember, not everyone will hold the same opinions or use the same means to get their ideas across.

I explained my nieces situation and how I felt that her spending so much money on her weave could be an addiction. I just felt that she should give it a break since she's broke. Considering her hair has grown so much wouldn't the continued use of be damaging now? I am not calling people who wear weave bad or evil. Although....Oh never mind. Have a great day. :grin:
I think 'some' women ARE DEPENDANT on weaves. I live in L.A. and I'd say 7out of 10 black women that I see on a daily have a weave. The other 3 need one, or this forum, or somethin. Just like I noticed 9 out of 10 women had relaxers after I went natural. I ain't natural no more so I ain't hatin! I'm just sayin.

Can we talk? I have family members that I've NEVER seen w/o a weave! EVER! Even if they are in between weaves they have a fake ponytail til they get to 'da shop'. I have no idea what their 'real' hair looks like how long, short, thick or thin it is and neither do they. They're not trying to grow their hair out, they're not transitioning, they don't care if they're bald underneath, they don't give a hoot about their hair, they care more about what that weave looks like. I think for people like that, it's a problem and strange to me cause I've never been dependant like that.

I've worn a weave maybe 3 times years ago strictly FOR LENGTH when I had short hair and off and on for protective styling after I had longer hair. People I know now ask me why I would have a weave cause they know I have hair and my weaves are ALWAYS shorter than my real hair. They have no clue about protective styling or having a weave for styling options. To them a weave is to get hair you don't have, period. I doubt the people I know are the minority.

eta: lol @ the poll results :lol:

HOLY RAGGEGTY TRACKS BATMAN! That's what I'm sayin'. Pulling out my counselors hat. Do you think this dependence gives way to a deeper issue? Like self acceptance?

I have considered the Anita Baker/Nia Long/Halle Berri/Toni Braxton hair cut but I don't want a permanent short cut.I secretely want short hair for a week. :yep:
HOLY RAGGEGTY TRACKS BATMAN! That's what I'm sayin'. Pulling out my counselors hat. Do you think this dependence gives way to a deeper issue? Like self acceptance?

I have considered the Anita Baker/Nia Long/Halle Berri/Toni Braxton hair cut but I don't want a permanent short cut.I secretely want short hair for a week. :yep:

*deeeeep siiiigh* It's so easy for this kind of talk to go the same way as the natural vs relaxed debate and I don't want to sound judgemental or hypocritical cause I'm not. But in the end, I think it has everything, ok ALOT to do with self acceptance for SOME people. ALOT of people. Alot of SERIAL weavers. I'm positive it's that way for the people I know and speak of. But I think it's because most black women have NO IDEA how to care for their own hair, I know I didn't. They want what they don't have and have no idea they CAN have it! I know I didn't. It's like they look at it as something unattainable. I know I did. I never thought I'd have the hair I could weave on my head, now I pull old tracks out of the closet and my hair is longer than the tracks I wore and I :lachen:

I cut off shoulder length hair and had a twa for YEARS. I LOVED it. Then something amazing happened, it grew back :blush: Go on and cut that hair if it's what you want.
*deeeeep siiiigh* It's so easy for this kind of talk to go the same way as the natural vs relaxed debate and I don't want to sound judgemental or hypocritical cause I'm not. But in the end, I think it has everything, ok ALOT to do with self acceptance for SOME people. ALOT of people. Alot of SERIAL weavers. I'm positive it's that way for the people I know and speak of. But I think it's because most black women have NO IDEA how to care for their own hair, I know I didn't. They want what they don't have and have no idea they CAN have it! I know I didn't. It's like they look at it as something unattainable. I know I did. I never thought I'd have the hair I could weave on my head, now I pull old tracks out of the closet and my hair is longer than the tracks I wore and I :lachen:

I cut off shoulder length hair and had a twa for YEARS. I LOVED it. Then something amazing happened, it grew back :blush: Go on and cut that hair if it's what you want.

I completely agree with the bolded. I think the combination of miseducation and eurocentric conditioning has attributed to this.