What will your length be by this time next year?

Wow I can't believe this thread was started 5 yrs ago

By this time next year I will be waist length. I need about 6-7 inches to get there.
I'm hoping waist length or a little past. I plan on cutting my natural vish u until it becomes blunt, so that will be my next project next year. Right now I'm like 1/2 inch from mid back. I won't claim it until it's there gosh darn it!
A nice, full WL in the back; sides APL (my hair grows in various layers all on its own...)
gee wiz... if we write it down as an affirmation, then it should come to pass, right? alright then. i WILL be long, healthy and luscious mid back length by this time next year. and that's that.
Assuming I continue to retain all my length, I will make midback by this time '09 and full midback by the end of the year.
At least an inch past APL! Although I should be further than that if i'm gonna make MBL by 2010. So i'm gonna say an inch from BSL.
ill go on a limb and say full lower waistlength/grazing tailbone(w/blunt ends) provided i keep up with super stretching, wet bunning, and deep conditioning:yep:
I think I answered this already but that was a while ago, I might just let my hair grow out to classic length and trim there to get my ends even and thick or I might cut it back to hip/tailbone and keep it there we'll see.
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