Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2024

What problem are you looking to resolve so you CAN have Luscious, Healthy Ends in 2024?

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@Chicoro, the base for my herbal infused oil is either olive oil or grapeseed oil. I usually make 1 to 2 cups at a time. (I share this oil with my granddaughter.) 1 cup lasts a long time, because I only use a few drops at a time.

1 Tbs. fresh or dried rosemary leaves (I try to use fresh as much as possible, but sometimes my rosemary plant doesn't have enough leaves to yield what I need)

1tsp. whole cloves

1Tbs. fenugreek seeds (fenugreek seeds do not soften in oil, so I put them in 1/2 bottle of water and let them soak overnight. The next day, I drink the fenugreek water [so many benefits internally] and recap the bottle with the softened seeds. I let the seeds sprout in the bottle for 2-3 days, then I dry them on a paper towel before adding them to the oil. [I don't want rancid oil.])

I add all of the ingredients to a Mason jar and set it in a pot of water to simmer for about 30 minutes. This infuses all of the herbal goodness directly into the oil. If I don't need the oil immediately, I will let the oil sit for a few days before straining it through a knee-high stocking. I pour the oil into a nozzle bottle and apply it to my scalp 3-4 times per week. I also add a little oil to my strands and to my ends. I am aware that there is a no oils and butters bandwagon, but I'm not one to jump on those too quickly. I know what my hair needs and likes, so I feed it.
OOOoooo weee! Thank you for this detailed description of your process. I'm copying it!!!!

Up in here, we don't care about the , "No oils and no butters bandwagon." Folks can STAY CRISPY if they want, to do so! But none of that up in this thread for me. I be cake-ing on butter for sure. Now, I'm about to start caking on the on oil!
I think I mentioned this before, but you should consider looking for a (cosmetic) fragrance in an oil made for use in cosmetic products. It might be better for your hair overall.

The place where you were buying your clays may also sell some.
Thank you. I bought one that smelled like chocolate. I was very disappointed because the scent was super WEAK. Those types are products are difficult and expensive to find in my area. Perhaps I'll check some more out during my trip to the US. Also, my scalp skin is super sensitive. I can't even use black soap in my hair. I also never spray perfume directly on my body skin, either.
@snoop, most of the benefits of fenugreek are in the sprouted seeds. If I recall correctly, about 70% of the benefits can only be attained in the sprouted seeds.

Does tallow act like grease? Is it made from beef fat?
Oooh! I didn't realize! Your hair oils must be very potent!

Yes, the tallow acts like grease. For the record: I use deoderized tallow from a soap making supply shop. I'm not walking around smelling like Burger King.
@Chicoro, as far as hair trimming goes, I, too, was a hater. However, I have found over this past year that trimming on a quarterly basis has prevented unnecessary damage by halting splits and knots. It is usually 1/4 inch or less that comes off and it leaves my hair feeling healthy.

Edit: My daughter uses clippers to give my ends an even trim. She uses hair trimming scissors to trim any mid-shaft splits or knots.
I am slowly but surely and RELUCTANTLY coming over to this side and to this conclusion. Okay, so you too get not only your ends trimmed but also address the mid-shaft splits. @keranikki does the same, too.

I tried to find my mid-shaft splits. I twisted smaller sections of my hair around and around and the splits hairs didn't stick out. I think I may need to press my hair for them to pop out.

Thank you for the detailed response!
Thank you. I bought one that smelled like chocolate. I was very disappointed because the scent was super WEAK. Those types are products are difficult and expensive to find in my area. Perhaps I'll check some more out during my trip to the US. Also, my scalp skin is super sensitive. I can't even use black soap in my hair. I also never spray perfume directly on my body skin, either.

I hate ones that are supposed to smell like chocolate. They usually don't. You're better off with either fruit, flowers, coconut, vanilla, or berries. Others are OK, but you are buying at your own risk of you don't have an opportunity to test them first.

Buying online also helps you to choose something that is Paraben and Phthalate free.

I know you're not shopping for scents but I'm leaving this here for reference, just in case.
Oooh! I didn't realize! Your hair oils must be very potent!

Yes, the tallow acts like grease. For the record: I use deoderized tallow from a soap making supply shop. I'm not walking around smelling like Burger King.
Girl, y'all, I'm about to be walking around looking like a fur ball.

*Looks for, finds and begins preparing a small, tiny receptacle for fenugreek seed sprouting.*

I hate ones that are supposed to smell like chocolate. They usually don't. You're better off with either fruit, flowers, coconut, vanilla, or berries. Others are OK, but you are buying at your own risk of you don't have an opportunity to test them first.

Buying online also helps you to choose something that is Paraben and Phthalate free.

I know you're not shopping for scents but I'm leaving this here for reference, just in case.
You got a link or two for me, please?
A week's supply!
That's right!

I'm not playing. @newgrowth15 is obviously on to something. I'm no fool. When I see something that works in PRACTICE, I pay attention and try to see how I can implement it in my processes.

I think this might just be about the right space I need to dry and sprout my fenugreek seeds. Or should I go a bit bigger?

Some of my hair masks are quite stinky. Especially, when I get a really good mix of kelp and goat's milk powder going. The stick won't wash out! DH will ask "what smells like craft dinner?" I interpret that as, "what smells like toe jam and polluted beach?"

Girl, your man is sweet and kind. I once had a sulfur mix in my hair and the gentleman I was dating at the time asked me to NOT come back to/in/ or near his home, EVER Never Never, the next time I used that particular concoction.
Girl, your man is sweet and kind. I once had a sulfur mix in my hair and the gentleman I was dating at the time asked me to NOT come back to/in/ or near his home, EVER Never Never, the next time I used that particular concoction.

Oh yes. The sulfur smells bad when added to kelp and feet. But where would my manz send me to? :look:


Your gentleman friend was too much. But he wasn't wrong. The stuff stinks and he was making sure that it wasn't going to cling to his clothes and follow him around all week like this :curtain:
Oh yes. The sulfur smells bad when added to kelp and feet. But where would my manz send me to? :look:


Your gentleman friend was too much. But he wasn't wrong. The stuff stinks and he was making sure that it wasn't going to cling to his clothes and follow him around all week like this :curtain:
Yep. But my hair was thriving and looking cute. You don't have to go anywhere because that is YOUR house, too. In my case, that was his home. So...I didn't see him for a few weeks until I had finished my sulfur concoction. Not even a man can come between me and my hair growth processes. Later, Sir!
@newgrowth15 ,

I have one more question regarding the fenugreek sprouts. Do you actually see them sprout tails or do you simply count the days drying of 2 to 3 days as 'sprouting'. Should I be looking for them to look like the picture below?


Sprouting is right up my alley, so the is perfect. The actual herbs themselves are so much more powerful than the powders, not always, but often. I'm excited to try this!
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@Chicoro, the picture is exactly what you should see by day 2. I gave some seeds to someone about a month ago, but she didn't follow the instructions. She basically sprinkled the seeds with water and then complained that they did not sprout. She then said maybe they were bad seeds, but they were from the same bag I used on a regular basis -- some people.
@newgrowth15 ,

I have one more question regarding the fenugreek sprouts. Do you actually see them sprout tails or do you simply count the days drying of 2 to 3 days as 'sprouting'. Should I be looking for them to look like the picture below?

View attachment 494921

Sprouting is right up my alley, so the is perfect. The actual herbs themselves are so much more powerful than the powders, not always, but often. I'm excited to try this!
@Chicoro, the picture is exactly what you should see by day 2. I gave some seeds to someone about a month ago, but she didn't follow the instructions. She basically sprinkled the seeds with water and then complained that they did not sprout. She then said maybe they were bad seeds, but they were from the same bag I used on a regular basis -- some people.
Thank you so much for the confirmation. Sprouting seeds seems easy, but for the uninitiated sometimes they may need extra detailed information.
I'm loving this convo!!

<<<<<< One who bought Fenugreek seeds last year and just poured them into the bottom of my scalp oil mix. :lachen:

I also made a clove/fenugreek tea but the seeds didn't sprout then either. lol.

I got the tips to do it that way from this lovely lady

But I'm not sure if it helped any so I stopped Fenugreek and just stuck to my usual Ayurvedic mixes. Now I've gotta retry both mixes with SPROUTED seeds and see what happens. If I have HL hair at the end of the year, I'm crediting this convo for sure!!

It's crazy bc I KNEW BETTER. The lady whose video I watched last year said to sprout them, yada yada, and she also drinks the water (I'm a bit more cautious about stuff I try internally). She had a video where she lost a ton of hair she said due to Mielle (?) products and then she grew back to HL, I believe, and accredited her Fenugreek mixes externally and internally.

But this is the one I watched first. Poor thing

I used the water in my spray bottle. I also bought Fenugreek seed oil from Amazon when I bought the seeds so I was using that instead. But NOW, I'm about to get serious with these SPROUTS!! So THANK YOU to @newgrowth15 and @Chicoro for being an awesome "hair pest"!! :kiss:
@MzSwift ,

That's Hair Pest with a CAPITAL "H" and "P", my Dear. You betta' not have no hip length hair. Because that's hair you can sit on. And if I recall correctly, SOMEBODY up in this thread, @MzSwift , whose name shall not be SPOKEN, but whose name SHALL be typed, was talking about how she. didn't want no hair she could sit on...

I would put a gif up in here, but they don't work for me anymore.

Where's our new administrator, @Craig, anyway? :giggle: Can he fix something so gifs work again?

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I'm loving this convo!!

<<<<<< One who bought Fenugreek seeds last year and just poured them into the bottom of my scalp oil mix. :lachen:

I also made a clove/fenugreek tea but the seeds didn't sprout then either. lol.

I got the tips to do it that way from this lovely lady

But I'm not sure if it helped any so I stopped Fenugreek and just stuck to my usual Ayurvedic mixes. Now I've gotta retry both mixes with SPROUTED seeds and see what happens. If I have HL hair at the end of the year, I'm crediting this convo for sure!!

It's crazy bc I KNEW BETTER. The lady whose video I watched last year said to sprout them, yada yada, and she also drinks the water (I'm a bit more cautious about stuff I try internally). She had a video where she lost a ton of hair she said due to Mielle (?) products and then she grew back to HL, I believe, and accredited her Fenugreek mixes externally and internally.

But this is the one I watched first. Poor thing

I used the water in my spray bottle. I also bought Fenugreek seed oil from Amazon when I bought the seeds so I was using that instead. But NOW, I'm about to get serious with these SPROUTS!! So THANK YOU to @newgrowth15 and @Chicoro for being an awesome "hair pest"!! :kiss:

I agree! I loved being stunned by @newgrowth15 and her tweaks that made and make a HUGE difference!!!!

I found this exciting, too! This is why I grill, grill, grill people who have incredible results. There is always something NOT so obvious in their routines that most other people are not doing.

I had to dig through bins of food items at my place. This is how I was looking while searching for my bag of fenugreek:


I found it, too and it is a BIG bag!
I used to be a Shea butter hater. I've seen the error of my ways and have been on board and started using Shea Butter with relish and lavishly since 2016.

I used to and still am a hair trimming hater. But after seeing @keranikki and @newgrowth15 having such phenomenal success with their hair health and incredible length retention, I am having to recalculate.

So, July is the date for the June/July is my new trim date. I keep changing. But, I'm going to find my way!!!!
Using whipped Shea has been a game changer
@Chicoro, the base for my herbal infused oil is either olive oil or grapeseed oil. I usually make 1 to 2 cups at a time. (I share this oil with my granddaughter.) 1 cup lasts a long time, because I only use a few drops at a time.

1 Tbs. fresh or dried rosemary leaves (I try to use fresh as much as possible, but sometimes my rosemary plant doesn't have enough leaves to yield what I need)

1tsp. whole cloves

1Tbs. fenugreek seeds (fenugreek seeds do not soften in oil, so I put them in 1/2 bottle of water and let them soak overnight. The next day, I drink the fenugreek water [so many benefits internally] and recap the bottle with the softened seeds. I let the seeds sprout in the bottle for 2-3 days, then I dry them on a paper towel before adding them to the oil. [I don't want rancid oil.])

I add all of the ingredients to a Mason jar and set it in a pot of water to simmer for about 30 minutes. This infuses all of the herbal goodness directly into the oil. If I don't need the oil immediately, I will let the oil sit for a few days before straining it through a knee-high stocking. I pour the oil into a nozzle bottle and apply it to my scalp 3-4 times per week. I also add a little oil to my strands and to my ends. I am aware that there is a no oils and butters bandwagon, but I'm not one to jump on those too quickly. I know what my hair needs and likes, so I feed it.
I forgot to ask, how is your granddaughter's hair responding to oil? Is she getting phenomenal results as well, or even just good results? Please let us know!
My fenugreek is already sprouting. Right now for me it is about 11:40 pm on March 15th, Saturday night. Last night, Friday, I soaked my fenugreek in baby warm water and in a bowl and left them submerged until today, the morning of Saturday March 15th. This morning I rinsed the seeds with warm water and strained them and put the seeds in a glass jar. I got the excess water out, laid the glass jar on its side so the seeds could spread and then placed a nylon knee-hi over the mouth of the jar. I put the jar in my closet where the hot water heater is, closed the door and left the seeds in darkness. Around 11:00 pm this night, Saturday night, I went to go rinse them again. It was at that moment, this evening I discovered that many of the seeds had already sprouted little tails! I will rinse them tomorrow morning and tomorrow night. I think by Monday evening they should be sprouted enough to make my oil. I hate to kill the little guys...
I forgot to ask, how is your granddaughter's hair responding to oil? Is she getting phenomenal results as well, or even just good results? Please let us know!
My granddaughter's hair is growing like wildflowers. I keep it in cornrows, Minnie puffs and beads. (She's 4). I oil her braids weekly. I clay wash her hair once a month. My daughter alternates spraying rosemary water and fenugreek water on her hair on a weekly basis. As she gets older, it's getting easier to keep her hair in good condition. I also use the Melanin twisting butter on her hair to keep it moisturized between styles.