BraStrap Challenge for 2006 anyone?

I"M IN!!!:D
Let's see.... Vitamins, scalp massage, cayenne-evoo treatments, lots of water and of course co-washing is a start:lol: !!! My hair varies from month to month but averaged 1/2 inch (pre LHCF) so..going for an 1 inch to 1 inch and half a month..which is what I have gotten over the past five weeks.

Will keep everyone up to date...I have pictures...just have to buy the attachment to upload them to the computer:perplexed
Hi ladies, I've updated with some hair comparisons pics:D !
[FONT=Book Antiqua[B]](december 2005-february 2006-april2006)[/[/B]FONT]


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I'm in. My siggy says brastrap by June 2006, but since I'm just now flirting with armpit, that ain't gonna happen.

I probably won't make it until fall, but that's fine.

I'm doing salmon, massages, daily cw's, weekend emergencee & deep moisturizing treatments and vitamins (including Nioxin). I can't do topical treatments like MTG because they are annoying and don't really produce growth for me. I'll just inch my way down without them.
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Count me in too!! I'll be going at it with a similar method as Liz25 ga. This is my first challenge, I'm currently just below shoulder length, 4B. I'm off to the salon to get a relaxer tomorrow ( after 10 weeks), so we'll see if I get any length then. I'll shoot for APL by my birthday in June, Bra Strap by 12/06. Does anyone have any advice, other than MTG and vitamins?
missdrea said:
Count me in too!! I'll be going at it with a similar method as Liz25 ga. This is my first challenge, I'm currently just below shoulder length, 4B. I'm off to the salon to get a relaxer tomorrow ( after 10 weeks), so we'll see if I get any length then. I'll shoot for APL by my birthday in June, Bra Strap by 12/06. Does anyone have any advice, other than MTG and vitamins?

Yes, sistaslick album is great to see her progress, without vitamins or MTG and she is below bra-strap.
gettin ma hair relaxed this thrusday! 3 months without heat! its been an easy ride!

Updates wil lcome Thursday night guys after a home trim too. hoping to be just an inch away :confused:
well i'm about 4 inches away from brastap length, i hope to reach there in 4 months, sounds ambitous but my hair grows out pretty fast.
I'm joining this challenge. My goal is brastrap when stretched by the end of 2006. I'm a little below armpit right now, so I'm pretty sure I can make it. *fingers crossed*
:wave: hi ladies. just wanted to check in. i think i'll be there by nov/dec. i'm about 3-4 inches away. hopefully i'll grow faster during the summer months. i've been wearing protective styles all winter and they seem to be working, along with minimum heat. hhg to all!
SweetCaramel, your hair looks beautiful!

I got a trim, maybe abouut 1-1.5". Hopefully I'll still make it by the end of the year.
Hi ladies,

Just checking in, I did length check and cut .5 inch off and still 2 inches short of my goal hopefully June/July I would have reached my first goal.
Hi ladies! I reached brastrap a couple of months ago. The front of my hair is still a little shorter than the back, though, so now I want the front of my hair to be brastrap as well.
Updates ladies?

My hair is doing great all of a sudden. It's growing like crazy, and now that I added miconazole nitrate hopefully I'll get to BSL even faster.
I kinda fell off my regimen and now I'm back on it. I don't know if I'll reach bra length this year and if I do it will probably be the end of the year.
Candy_C said:
I haven't really seen a new one. so i guess i'll give it a go! :)

I've recently hit a few inches past armpit, so i have a good feeling i will reach brastrap somewhere in 2006 after a few trims here and there.

Whos down for the brastrap challenge in 2006?? :grin: :grin: :grin:[/quote

Candy_C said:
I haven't really seen a new one. so i guess i'll give it a go! :)

I've recently hit a few inches past armpit, so i have a good feeling i will reach brastrap somewhere in 2006 after a few trims here and there.

Whos down for the brastrap challenge in 2006?? :grin: :grin: :grin:[/quote

Count me
SweetCaramel, you're hair is beautiful!

I should be there when I relaxe next time, which will be in either late June or early July. I think I'll finally trim at that point, but I'll have to see exactly where I am.
baglady215 said:
Updates ladies?

My hair is doing great all of a sudden. It's growing like crazy, and now that I added miconazole nitrate hopefully I'll get to BSL even faster.

Doing ok; my hair is definately healthier, even though not growing as fast as I want it to.:ohwell:
I feel like I am definitely on track for making it to BSL this year. I have less than three inches to go. I think it's about an inch and a half but I won't know for sure until after my next relaxer. I underprocessed last time and I've been trying to hold out but I think this weekend may be my weekend. I wish I still had my camera phone to take pics with so I could post my progress.

Anyway, if I get there by the end of the summer, I'm going to trim and maintain BSL until at least the end of the year while I try to grow out some of my layers.
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My hair passed armpit again in only one month, bless God, bra strap here i come (just want to share)!
Well ladies, I was in the Bra Strap by 2007 Challenge.... but Im afraid Im going to have to back out of that one. Im feeling optimistic!!!!!! :D

I had a goal of Armpit Length earlier this year, and I reached that 4 months early..... now Im almost certain I can make Bra Strap by December of this year!

In terms of my regimen: I ran out of my VitaTress Hair Food Supplement last week and havent been taking any vitamins at all since that time. I was taking vitamins 3x a day, so I am wondering if there will be any difference in terms of hair health or growth. I would say that my diet is pretty balanced now, and has improved (ie, incorporating more vegetables, protein, and H2O). So Im not in a big rush to replace the vitamins. Whenever I head out to GNC I will, but im in no rush.

Other changes Ive made: Im trying two new (water-based) moisturizers = ORS Olive Oil moisturizer and the Cantu Shea Butter: Break Cure & Strengthening Treatment. I seal those moisturizers in with KeraCare Essential Oils (because I hate how curly/wet the moisturizers make my hair). So the moisture in my regimen has definitely increased, and i hope to see positive changes from that.

I also joined the M.N. Challenge, so we shall see how that goes.....

Aside from those changes, my regular regimen remains the same: Still MTG'ing 4x a week, wash/deep conditioner once weekly (Dominican products), protective styles daily w/minimal combing, and moisturizing/sealing in with oils daily. I fell off with the MSM and I dont think it has made much of a difference.

I tried the Aphogee Treatment for Damaged Hair for the first time last night.... and my hair loved it. I am officially over my Big Bad Aphogee fears!!!!! :lol: I plan to continue using the Aphogee every 6-8 weeks (or less frequently, as needed).

I try to take pics every 3 months, so that i can actually see a difference. So my next progress pictures will be July 7. Im excited!!!!!

Good luck ladies, hope everyone else is progressing well. :D
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Just updating.
I have some new growth and will do a length check maybe at the end of the month. I have been doing a personal challeng of no combing except in the shower to detangle. My current regimen is pretty much the same, but I added
Co-wash and pre poo with conditioner/ castor oil. No new products, just trying to get rid of what I have to just my staples products.
Also taking multivitamins, biotin, vitamin b-complex and MTG w/ peppermint/rosemary every other night until the bottle is gone...BSL ???:)
Man, I almost dont feel like i belong here anymore. I got my end trimmed and ended up getting a hair cut. I got 5' chopped off. I was once just a few inches away from bra strap and now i am just barely grazing shoulders. So depressing but I will continue to grow it out since i KNOW i wont need any more 'trims'
Letitia said:
Man, I almost dont feel like i belong here anymore. I got my end trimmed and ended up getting a hair cut. I got 5' chopped off. I was once just a few inches away from bra strap and now i am just barely grazing shoulders. So depressing but I will continue to grow it out since i KNOW i wont need any more 'trims'

what what waaaaaaaaaat, why on earth did they do that?! i was looking at your hair the other day admiring how much it suited your face and that it was long and thick...

well dont worry it will grow back but that cut was bad-minded!