BraStrap Challenge for 2006 anyone?

SerenityBreeze said:
OK - 5 Months Later since I joined this Challenge and I think I am still on track! For once I am on track with something!!

I have had relaxers more frequently than desired but I am hanging in there. I have been wearing my hair bunned inside an octopus clamp. They are the best! No tension on your hair what so ever. When I pull it out, it is rare that I see a broken hair. Aveda has done well with my hair as well. Meet you at bra-strap in December!

I have never seen an octopus clamp I dont think. Is it very big and good for thick hair??
Letitia said:
I have never seen an octopus clamp I dont think. Is it very big and good for thick hair??

I have one. I have broken a number of clips but this one holds my thick hair very well. My hair stays moisturized and protected inside of the clamps. But I have noticed a few strands (2-3) of my hair came out in the clamp, so I stopped using it.
LovelyZ said:
I have one. I have broken a number of clips but this one holds my thick hair very well. My hair stays moisturized and protected inside of the clamps. But I have noticed a few strands (2-3) of my hair came out in the clamp, so I stopped using it.

Thanks for the replay. I have been wanting to give my hair a rest from the 'hair ties' (elastic bands) and wanted to look for this clamp. I will see if I can find one in the BSS. Thanks again.
how's everyone doing?

i refuse to take pictures till the end of the year so it will be surprise for me to find out how long my hair really is. my last up date was june.
I think I'm going to make it by December 2006.I have about 2 to 3 inches to go. Whats been helping is protective styles and no direct heat except for my bangs. Also I see some post about Octopus clamps. I love these clamps and it doesnt hurt at all, plus you do a french roll and bun with it. I got mine at Walmart for about $2.50 for the large one, but they have a smaller one too. I also saw them at Walgreens and Claires for a higher price.
I'm less than 2 inches away. I need a good trim though but I still hope to make it by December 31, 2006.

I get discouraged some times but I try to stay focused.
Hi Ladies! *waving*

Just checking in! :D

I still think Im going to be there by Dec. 31st. I presently have braids.... i had planned to keep them in thru Dec but, ummm, Im ready to take these suckers out already! :lol: So now Im aiming for sometime mid-Oct.

Anyhoo, Im still taking my vitamins regularly (added Biotin and Horsetail to the list)..... was taking a protein shake daily but had fallen off for a few weeks. But now im back on the protein shake.... Still using my lil' topical growth products (M.N. or MTG)..... still trying to increase my water intake and eat a more balanced diet.

Ummm what else..... just hoping and praying, that's all! I also wanted to allow for a nice little trim, so im kinda nervous about that because i still hope to be at Bra Strap after the trim.

Any more updates???!!!!
I am not sure if I will make it or not. I am going to stay focused and pray for the best.

Protective styles are really helping me!
I'm not sure I am going to make it. With this slow growth and tangles, i might end up pulling out all the hair that I do have.

I plan to find that "it detangler" that will help my hair.

If I can find that I think I can make it.

My problem right now is retaining my length.
Letitia said:
I am not sure if I will make it or not. I am going to stay focused and pray for the best.

Protective styles are really helping me!

Gotta love those protective styles! Well let's keep our fingers crossed!
MizaniMami said:
I'm not sure I am going to make it. With this slow growth and tangles, i might end up pulling out all the hair that I do have.

I plan to find that "it detangler" that will help my hair.

If I can find that I think I can make it.

My problem right now is retaining my length.

Dang man! :ohwell: That makes me sad to hear that! Not so much that you wont necessarily make the Dec 2006 goal, because that is okay! But more so about all the tangles! :( I hate that it's causing you to lose hair, that's not cool at all!

Do you think maybe stretching just isnt for you....? Or have you done this effectively in the past, with no problems? As for myself, i generally touch-up after about 8-9 weeks. I've stretched longer in the past, and found no tremendous benefit. So it stopped making sense for me

Well keep us posted, sis.
i'm in this challenge, i've cut my hair so many times now i'm ready to let it grow again i hope to reach bra-strap in the next three months and midback within 6 months before i return to Jamaica to see my man, he loves long hair and i kept teasing that i'm going to cut it off, hopefully he'll ber pleasantly suprised when he see's me again.
den1 said:
i'm in this challenge, i've cut my hair so many times now i'm ready to let it grow again i hope to reach bra-strap in the next three months and midback within 6 months before i return to Jamaica to see my man, he loves long hair and i kept teasing that i'm going to cut it off, hopefully he'll ber pleasantly suprised when he see's me again.

Well i see you're rocking the braids, so your hair is ultra-protected now! ;) I bet you're gonna make it! *Fingers crossed*

Awww, your honey is gonna be sooo excited to see you and (gently) run his fingers thru all that BSL hair! *Note the key word gently* :lol:
KiniKakes said:
Well i see you're rocking the braids, so your hair is ultra-protected now! ;) I bet you're gonna make it! *Fingers crossed*

Awww, your honey is gonna be sooo excited to see you and (gently) run his fingers thru all that BSL hair! *Note the key word gently* :lol:
Lol!!! He better handle my hair like silk or he'll up with very bruised hands.....btw ignore my siggy pic I'm long overdue for an update my braids have been out for while. I've promising to update but i've been soo busy. i promise i will as soon as i can. Well, i'm soo excited i'm geting a relaxer and colour tormorrow, yipeeeem i can't wait to see how long my hair is. i'll bunning my hair like crazy to keep my ends healthier throughout the Autumn/winter season, thanks for your support and good luck to you.
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den1 said:
Lol!!! He better handle my hair like silk or he'll up with very bruised hands.....btw ignore my siggy pic I'm long overdue for an update my braids have been out for while. I've promising to update but i've been soo busy. i promise i will as soon as i can. Well, i'm soo excited i'm geting a relaxer and colour tormorrow, yipeeeem i can't wait to see how long my hair is. i'll bunning my hair like crazy to keep my ends healthier throughout the Autumn/winter season, thanks for your support and good luck to you.

:lachen: :lachen: I know thats right!

Well I cant wait to see that update!!! I just checked your album, and was so hurt to see only those same old pictures. :lol: Hurry, hurry, hurry!!!

Good luck with the relaxer and color tomorrow!!! [Sidebar: You sure you should be doing both at once? Is the color just a rinse? Just dont want u risking anything that will derail all your wonderful progress] :)
I'm hanging in there, still hoping to be there by 12/06 (God Willing). So far so good, I'm thinking of relaxing today but also want to hold out until Dec. that would make a 6 month stretch and right now I'm 16 1/2 wks post.

@ Mizanimami- did you ever try using Porosity control as a detangler/final rinse? it works great for detangling and helped me get out of a 3 day tangle situation I had last month.
I am happy to report that I am about an inch away from BSL...:D

This has been such a frustrating time for me.:perplexed But I made it through it and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I do have some questions and I don't know if it would be best to ask them here or to start a new thread..:confused: I'll figure it out, I suppose.:look:
BeautifulWideEyes said:
I'm hanging in there, still hoping to be there by 12/06 (God Willing). So far so good, I'm thinking of relaxing today but also want to hold out until Dec. that would make a 6 month stretch and right now I'm 16 1/2 wks post.

@ Mizanimami- did you ever try using Porosity control as a detangler/final rinse? it works great for detangling and helped me get out of a 3 day tangle situation I had last month.

No not yet. I haven't had a ride to the BSS yet. But I am going to try the hello hydration stuff first and the pantene and if that doesn't work I will go the pourosity control route.

Kini, as far as length goes I *think* I will make it. My growth has been so darn slow I don't know what to do. But it def. looks like it is a bit longer. i am doing everything in my power to make it and I am not going down without a fight lol.

Thanks for the support yall. I am flat ironing in a few weeks (for So birthday lol) and I will get to see where I am length wise. Then i will really be able to tell if I can make it.
Kimberly said:
I am happy to report that I am about an inch away from BSL...:D

This has been such a frustrating time for me.:perplexed But I made it through it and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I do have some questions and I don't know if it would be best to ask them here or to start a new thread..:confused: I'll figure it out, I suppose.:look:

Start a new thread. I'm sure someone can help you out.
KiniKakes said:
:lachen: :lachen: I know thats right!

Well I cant wait to see that update!!! I just checked your album, and was so hurt to see only those same old pictures. :lol: Hurry, hurry, hurry!!!

Good luck with the relaxer and color tomorrow!!! [Sidebar: You sure you should be doing both at once? Is the color just a rinse? Just dont want u risking anything that will derail all your wonderful progress] :)
I had my touch-up yesterday and it went well, my hairdresser applied a rinse in my hair but i can't see much difference in the tone i used rage & react in raspberry. I think i'll try again next week.. sorry the pics aren't up yet.. my digicam has run out of memory, check back around middle of next week i should have some pics by then
How's is going everyone?!!!!

I'm getting closer and closer. I believe I'll post my results at the end of December to take advantage of the entire month.;)
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I think I will make it. It will be a graze of the top of my bra...we will see. I am going to begin serious baggying for the next month & 1/2. (If not, I think I have also joined the 2007 Bra-Strap just to be safe) How is everyone else?
Hi Ladies,
I will not reach bra strap this year :perplexed but, God willin by january!
Congratulation to all the ladies who reached their goal :weird:
I encourage the others to keep on working with patience we will reach our goals!;)
^^^Same here for me Soun, I'm suppose to relax in Jan, but thinking about going 6 months this go round, I'll see how it go on my next shampoo night. I'll really know for sure once I relax.

what about the rest of you ladies that was in this Challenge, How have things turned out for ya?