Look what she did to my baby's hair.....cry, mad, angry!! I NEED HELP!!!


Well-Known Member
What a story! Well, the perm should have earned her a one way trip to the curb, but that other shiz just takes the cake!!! Wow...wow...wow....Well, so glad that baby's hair is back on track. I can't believe you send all that great stuff home to no avail. When you get back, I have no doubt her hair is going to be getting it's grow on for real! Thanks for the pics!


Well-Known Member
I'm sure she'll be glad to have mommy back home. Her hair has come a long way and I'm sure with your help it will only take off from here. :grin:


Well-Known Member
So glad to hear that you will be home soon. She really needs her mother at this time in her life and her hair does lol.
Goodness! That girl has grown up :cry3: . Her and hair look beautiful! I remember this thread well.
I cannot believe it was before I left home and moved 200 miles and got married :(. *gets emotional*


New Member
Wow! I am so happy for you & DD! Her hair looks lovely. And the cuzzo- she won't have good things. Shame on her!


SuperDuper Member
I am so happy her hair it's better. She is a beautiful girl and you are a beautiful mom! Thank you for the update :)

Sent from my Samsung Epic :)


New Member
I really want to thank everyone who showed so much concern and support. I really don't post that often anymore, so please forgive me for making you all wait for an update.

Naiomi's hair has been through a few setbacks over the past few year due to a number of factors. The most glaring issue is that I am not home to take care of it (yeah, still in Iraq). My Mom is a minimalist when it comes to hair (she has alopecia, almost completely bald and wears wigs), she does as little as she can get away with. So although Naiomi's hair has been braided, it has still been neglected to some extent. My Mom finds whoever to braid her hair, and it has suffered at the hands of braiders that braid too tightly or who use the cheapest quality of hair. I send all kinds of products that just sit and collect dust (Megatek, Aubrey Organics, MTG, oils, herbs, nuts, berries, etc). Add to that Naiomi playing in her hair like most pre-teens tend to do. She has cut it, pulled at it, put all kinds of hair clips and what-not in her hair. I was expecting her hair to be in worse condition when I got home 3 weeks ago, but I was pleasantly surprised. Imagine how much better it will be in a years' time with proper care. No doubt, it should be MUCH longer and MUCH thicker after this amount of time, but the circumstances have made it quite difficult for all of us. I am far away and everyone else is just pretty damn lazy. I'll be home for good in a few months and she will be on track for sure. Right now, she gets it pressed every two weeks. I found a stylist that will come and pick her up for her bi-weekly appointments (she's a good friend) and I just Paypal her the $$. This way no one can come up with any excuses about transportation or lack of funds.

ETA: I put the cousin out in July 2008. She was my (ex)husbands cousin, I was just trying to help her out. By the time she left, she had thrashed my home, used several of my credit cards, and basically stole my identity. Haven't seen or heard from her since.

More pics!

Beautiful!! Yay!!! You're such a wonderful mom though, being half way across the world serving your country and ensuring that your daughter is in good health hair-wise too. Your stylist friend is really wonderful for what she does. Your daughter's hair is beautiful, thick and just healthy.

Well done, take care!! I wish you the best ^^


Well-Known Member
1st time reading this~her hair is gawjus!!! so lush and shiny...i am a true believer that when things are stolen, destroyed, etc from us we are always restored 10x better in due time and clearly this is the case:yep: