12 inches in 12 months - 2014

Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

My search and destroy improved my ends but I finally pulled out the big guns. I did a curlformer set to straighten out my hair and then used my splitender for the first time. My ends were really bad. They feel better now. I think I still have a few splits but I will try to get them one by one as they pop up.

I purchased some MSM and will be taking that.

I'm feeling disappointed by my current length, so I will be stepping up my game starting today. I really want to feel good about my hair by the spring of next year.
My search and destroy improved my ends but I finally pulled out the big guns. I did a curlformer set to straighten out my hair and then used my splitender for the first time. My ends were really bad. They feel better now. I think I still have a few splits but I will try to get them one by one as they pop up.

I purchased some MSM and will be taking that.

I'm feeling disappointed by my current length, so I will be stepping up my game starting today. I really want to feel good about my hair by the spring of next year.

faithVA you're probably going to see some good retention now given multiple trims. I always find that to be the case then end up slacking off on dusting and having bad ends again. I committed to doing scheduled dustings consistently after the last trim and am thinking it will help a ton with retention.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

faithVA you're probably going to see some good retention now given multiple trims. I always find that to be the case then end up slacking off on dusting and having bad ends again. I committed to doing scheduled dustings consistently after the last trim and am thinking it will help a ton with retention.

I hope so. I think what I have been missing is not cutting out knots that were developing further up the strand. Even though I dusted off the bottom, the others were clearing a forest patch in my head. :nono:
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

My search and destroy improved my ends but I finally pulled out the big guns. I did a curlformer set to straighten out my hair and then used my splitender for the first time. My ends were really bad. They feel better now. I think I still have a few splits but I will try to get them one by one as they pop up.

I purchased some MSM and will be taking that.

I'm feeling disappointed by my current length, so I will be stepping up my game starting today. I really want to feel good about my hair by the spring of next year.

I have never done a search and destroy. Hats off to you. I think I will be using my splitender after my touchup perm at the end of December, after I measure of course. That's what I'm doing, stepping up my game at least until the end of this month. You reminded me to start taking my MSM because when I ran out I stopped. I purchased some from Walmart, but they are caplets, not capsules. I hate taking supplements, but I guess I'm going to have to start up. I was putting everything in my smoothie, but it's kinda hard to do with caplets. Anyhow, can't wait to see or hear about your progress at the end of this month. Keep it up and I agree with you, I want to see something good in my hair by the end of this challenge too.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

^^It was only out of necessity. If I didn't do a S&D, I would have had to cut off 2 inches. My hair isn't long enough to be able to handle a 2" trim.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

^^It was only out of necessity. If I didn't do a S&D, I would have had to cut off 2 inches. My hair isn't long enough to be able to handle a 2" trim.

Is that so. So S&D is a good thing. How long did it take you to do it. I ask because I'm thinking about doing it.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

Is that so. So S&D is a good thing. How long did it take you to do it. I ask because I'm thinking about doing it.

Two weeks :look: I didn't do it all at once. I spent a few hours one day while watching a movie. Then I did a little more on wash days.

I think for most people it wouldn't be necessary. I have always had trouble with my ends. If you have a split ender, I would start with that. Then do a S&D for what the splitender doesn't get. I didn't have a splitender when I started.

Now I'm just clipping out splits when I style my hair in the morning and night. I finally have it down to a reasonable level. Overtime, as my hair evens out and gets healthier I should be able to rely primarily on the splitender. My hair is probably 4 different lengths in any given section.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

Do you really think it would hurt it if you blow dried your hair. It's not like you do it all the time. If you have your protective sprays against the heat then I don't see why you can't do it. But you make the decision and be the judge because you know your hair better than anyone else. Your hair sounds so lovely. I like big and fluffy. Can't wait to see your hair when we check in the end of this month.

I must've sounded super dramatic in that post. lol I was just trying to hold out with going 6 months without using heat or seeing my length. The end of December would mark it but....I still don't know if I can wait that long. I might blowdry it after my next wash day and do a twistout or something.

Honestly, I don't feel like my hair has grown anymore. I think what I'm seeing is "thickness" which in itself isn't a BAD thing. I stretch my hair sometimes and it seems like it still falls in the same spot it did 2 months ago. Though these are not "serious" length checks you know with everything all combed out and brushed and....ya'll know the deal. lol But still I mean, if my hair has been growing like I thought it did wouldn't it be just a *teensy* bit longer?

I'm probably just being greedy. From June my hair HAS grown. Just...not as much as I thought it would. My hair has been at this length for 2 maybe 3 years now? True, for majority of that time this stagnant length was attributed to bad ends and a lack of a haircare regimen. But I've been taking the greatest care of my hair that I have been in AWHILE sooo....yeah. I haven't taken a pic since June so maybe it's time? I just feel like this might be my terminal length since I've been "somewhere around BSL" for years now. =/

If that is true.......I'm soooo saaaad. But I WILL start enjoying my hair more often, especially if it IS.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

Hello ladies,

It's nice to see some of the ladies who have not posted for awhile, show up again. It's so encouraging and I hope that all of us are still on point. This is a beginning of a new week and just wanted to give my shout out to all of you. I'm still trying my best to do all I need to do to meet this challenge. I did my rhassoul clay/butter treatment on Thursday followed by henna treatment. Both were successful. I can't wait until I get my touchup at the end of December because dealing with your hair with two different textures can be challenging, but I just don't like the way my hair looks. I'm taking my vitamins regularly and I stopped taking my protein smoothie and substitute it with green smoothie using kale, lettuce, etc. I'm thinking I can get the protein from the greens. I'm trying to exercise consistently but I injured my knee/leg, so I'm trying another set of cardio/strength and doing it at least 4 times a week. I started yesterday with another 7 day inversion method where you're heating the oil, massaging scalp and then inverting for 4 minutes. I will do this for 7 days straight, and then continue with my inversion therapy laying on slantboard. Sometimes I forget, but I'm really trying to be focus this month. I'm trying to stimulate my scalp, keeping hair moisturised, and ends sealed. I keep trying to be discouraged because I'm thinking at the end of this month, I won't see any length, but I quickly recharge those negative thoughts into positive ones. I want to stay focus, consistent, positive, and patient because I believe I will see the length that I desire. I hope you all are doing the same. Check in date is right around the corner. We will get there!

Sorry about the injury, hope it heals up fine! :yep:

I think I would like to try the green smoothie thing too. I just got hooked by the Bolthouse Brand, they had a green smoothie with a mix of so many natural ingredients and it tasted absolutely DELICIOUS! I love it and besides water, that's what I'm gonna start drinking now. Honestly, it reminds of the V8 Tomato Juice I used to love to drink as a kid....now I HATE that stuff! :lol:

I feel you with the "not gonna see any length thing" that's my discouragement too. I want so badly to believe that my hair is going to surpass my dreams when I finally blowdry it and whatever, but my heart is like "girl you know yo hair is not about to be supafly like that!" lol But why not? I've been putting in the effort to make it that, it should come out that way. :perplexed

Check in is right around the corner. Looking forward to all the great check ins!!
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

Two weeks :look: I didn't do it all at once. I spent a few hours one day while watching a movie. Then I did a little more on wash days.

I think for most people it wouldn't be necessary. I have always had trouble with my ends. If you have a split ender, I would start with that. Then do a S&D for what the splitender doesn't get. I didn't have a splitender when I started.

Now I'm just clipping out splits when I style my hair in the morning and night. I finally have it down to a reasonable level. Overtime, as my hair evens out and gets healthier I should be able to rely primarily on the splitender. My hair is probably 4 different lengths in any given section.

My hat is off to you too! It just seems so time consuming but you made it sound simple enough.

Btw, what's a splitender? I've never heard of that before.
This question wasn't directed to me, but I was actually pretty excited to have an excuse to take this thing out. Lol. I've used it maybe 5 times in the 3 years or so I've had it. I can only use it when my hair is super straight, which is almost never. But I'm hoping to use it more next year when I rollerset.

Btw, what's a splitender? I've never heard of that before.

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Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

My hat is off to you too! It just seems so time consuming but you made it sound simple enough.

Btw, what's a splitender? I've never heard of that before.

It is time consuming :lol: I have to do what I have to do. Hopefully I will never have to do this again to this extent.

A splitender is a tool that clips your ends as you run your hair through it. There was a recent thread on it. It takes off 1/8 to 1/4 inch off bad strands.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

Two weeks :look: I didn't do it all at once. I spent a few hours one day while watching a movie. Then I did a little more on wash days.

I think for most people it wouldn't be necessary. I have always had trouble with my ends. If you have a split ender, I would start with that. Then do a S&D for what the splitender doesn't get. I didn't have a splitender when I started.

Now I'm just clipping out splits when I style my hair in the morning and night. I finally have it down to a reasonable level. Overtime, as my hair evens out and gets healthier I should be able to rely primarily on the splitender. My hair is probably 4 different lengths in any given section.

Thanks for the feedback, that's what I will do, use my splitender. That thing is good. When you finish, you can see how different your hair looks, like the cuticles all laying down. I'm on it. Thanks again.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

I must've sounded super dramatic in that post. lol I was just trying to hold out with going 6 months without using heat or seeing my length. The end of December would mark it but....I still don't know if I can wait that long. I might blowdry it after my next wash day and do a twistout or something.

Honestly, I don't feel like my hair has grown anymore. I think what I'm seeing is "thickness" which in itself isn't a BAD thing. I stretch my hair sometimes and it seems like it still falls in the same spot it did 2 months ago. Though these are not "serious" length checks you know with everything all combed out and brushed and....ya'll know the deal. lol But still I mean, if my hair has been growing like I thought it did wouldn't it be just a *teensy* bit longer?

I'm probably just being greedy. From June my hair HAS grown. Just...not as much as I thought it would. My hair has been at this length for 2 maybe 3 years now? True, for majority of that time this stagnant length was attributed to bad ends and a lack of a haircare regimen. But I've been taking the greatest care of my hair that I have been in AWHILE sooo....yeah. I haven't taken a pic since June so maybe it's time? I just feel like this might be my terminal length since I've been "somewhere around BSL" for years now. =/

If that is true.......I'm soooo saaaad. But I WILL start enjoying my hair more often, especially if it IS.

Oh, don't be sad. I feel your pain though because I'm fighting the same battle. I have my hair in piggyback plaits, and the 2 back plaits, I pulled this morning and I said to myself, your hair does not seem like it has grown hardly at all. Then I questioned myself, are you going to really see length when you give yourself a touchup at the end of December. I had to quickly dismiss those thoughts and just continue to plug along. I too have been on this hair journey for a long time and had mishaps, setbacks, etc. But I don't want to believe that my hair is going to stay at midback length. I don't give myself frequent trims, and I think sometimes products are culprits that keep your hair with buildup and stuff that hinder hair growth. Since I started using rhassoul clay I see a difference. Also I'm using MTG and I tell you the nape area is so thick and it's growing. I was watching a Youtube video yesterday of this natural lady and her hair was long, thick and pretty. Yes we become envious but we continue to plug along. You make your own decision if you want to use heat on your hair but don't give up and don't let discouragement set in. Hang in there and stick to your regime. I'm hoping for those growth spurts that will come at the time we least expect. We will get there. Stay focus and positive.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

Sorry about the injury, hope it heals up fine! :yep:

I think I would like to try the green smoothie thing too. I just got hooked by the Bolthouse Brand, they had a green smoothie with a mix of so many natural ingredients and it tasted absolutely DELICIOUS! I love it and besides water, that's what I'm gonna start drinking now. Honestly, it reminds of the V8 Tomato Juice I used to love to drink as a kid....now I HATE that stuff! :lol:

I feel you with the "not gonna see any length thing" that's my discouragement too. I want so badly to believe that my hair is going to surpass my dreams when I finally blowdry it and whatever, but my heart is like "girl you know yo hair is not about to be supafly like that!" lol But why not? I've been putting in the effort to make it that, it should come out that way. :perplexed

Check in is right around the corner. Looking forward to all the great check ins!!

Yes I'm going to make green smoothies a regular thing. I know eating vegetables helps and there are many green smoothie recipes geared for hair growth. Check them out. Your hair is going to surprise you, me, all of us. We just need to stay consistent, and acknowledge things we need to do, like trimming, reducing the shedding, buildup, moisturizing etc. regarding our hair and our efforts will pay off. Thanks for your encouragement and support.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

This question wasn't directed to me, but I was actually pretty excited to have an excuse to take this thing out. Lol. I've used it maybe 5 times in the 3 years or so I've had it. I can only use it when my hair is super straight, which is almost never. But I'm hoping to use it more next year when I rollerset.

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Thanks for posting the pic. I was being too lazy. :look:
That splitender sounds great! Can that be purchased at Sally's? I haven't had a trim for about 6 months or so. I am waiting until the end of this month to do so.
I have been diligent this last week with my hair. I have been consistent with taking my vitamins regularly as well. I also started doing inversion on Sunday and will continue that through Saturday. I love having my hair braided because it keeps my hands out of it and I retain so well. It also keeps me from doing daily length checks and getting disappointed lol. But then I dislike having my hair braided because I can't play in my hair and I can't do daily length checks! It is definitely a challenge for me. But I know it will pay off and have seen proof of that. I will not be taking these current braids out for 3 more weeks. It's gona be a loooong 3 weeks, let me tell you!
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

That splitender sounds great! Can that be purchased at Sally's? I haven't had a trim for about 6 months or so. I am waiting until the end of this month to do so.
I have been diligent this last week with my hair. I have been consistent with taking my vitamins regularly as well. I also started doing inversion on Sunday and will continue that through Saturday. I love having my hair braided because it keeps my hands out of it and I retain so well. It also keeps me from doing daily length checks and getting disappointed lol. But then I dislike having my hair braided because I can't play in my hair and I can't do daily length checks! It is definitely a challenge for me. But I know it will pay off and have seen proof of that. I will not be taking these current braids out for 3 more weeks. It's gona be a loooong 3 weeks, let me tell you!

Yes the splitender is very good but your hair has to be straight and without any products. It really does cut off 1/8 - 1/4" of hair and afterwards, your hair looks good. You can tell that something good happened to it. I'm glad to hear that you are still consistent. I decided to wear a wig instead of braids. I just couldn't seem to keep them moisturised enough and when I took them down, my hair was so dry. I know what you mean, wanting the best of both worlds, protective styling and then wanting to play in hair to see how good it looks, or how well it's growing. Thanks for the encouragement. We need to stay positive and focus in order to reach our goals.
I have and love the Split Ender but have never used it with bare hair. I can't get my hair straight without using something so I tend to use it after a good detangle session when my hair has very little product in it and is mostly straight or after a blow dry / flat iron session. I'm going to try using it in two weeks after only blow drying using the tension method and a heat protectant.

Tips: make sure your hair is detangled first, go slow, do it in small sections. Big sections tend to snag and/or just not dust well.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

This question wasn't directed to me, but I was actually pretty excited to have an excuse to take this thing out. Lol. I've used it maybe 5 times in the 3 years or so I've had it. I can only use it when my hair is super straight, which is almost never. But I'm hoping to use it more next year when I rollerset.

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I would probably jack my hair up trying to use that thing. lol It looks cool but my hair would probably eye me like "uhhhhhh MA'AM! EXCUSE YOU!" lol

It is time consuming :lol: I have to do what I have to do. Hopefully I will never have to do this again to this extent.

A splitender is a tool that clips your ends as you run your hair through it. There was a recent thread on it. It takes off 1/8 to 1/4 inch off bad strands.

Does it just naturally clip them or do you have to like press a button or something? This sounds cool though it does sound like my hair would at least have to be blowdried and my hair is hardly ever straightened out with heat.

Great idea though!

Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

Oh, don't be sad. I feel your pain though because I'm fighting the same battle. I have my hair in piggyback plaits, and the 2 back plaits, I pulled this morning and I said to myself, your hair does not seem like it has grown hardly at all. Then I questioned myself, are you going to really see length when you give yourself a touchup at the end of December. I had to quickly dismiss those thoughts and just continue to plug along. I too have been on this hair journey for a long time and had mishaps, setbacks, etc. But I don't want to believe that my hair is going to stay at midback length. I don't give myself frequent trims, and I think sometimes products are culprits that keep your hair with buildup and stuff that hinder hair growth. Since I started using rhassoul clay I see a difference. Also I'm using MTG and I tell you the nape area is so thick and it's growing. I was watching a Youtube video yesterday of this natural lady and her hair was long, thick and pretty. Yes we become envious but we continue to plug along. You make your own decision if you want to use heat on your hair but don't give up and don't let discouragement set in. Hang in there and stick to your regime. I'm hoping for those growth spurts that will come at the time we least expect. We will get there. Stay focus and positive.

It sounds like you have a lot of new growth! I'm sure you're gonna have a great length check! I'm just trying to stay positive as well. My hair has been known to give me numerous types of shrinkage when I'm trying to check my length so that's why I'm waiting until I blow dry. I haven't blow dried in over a year now, heat hasn't touched my hair in over a year at all. I just hope that this will pay off and that I didn't do this 6 month protective styling thing for nothing!
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

Yes I'm going to make green smoothies a regular thing. I know eating vegetables helps and there are many green smoothie recipes geared for hair growth. Check them out. Your hair is going to surprise you, me, all of us. We just need to stay consistent, and acknowledge things we need to do, like trimming, reducing the shedding, buildup, moisturizing etc. regarding our hair and our efforts will pay off. Thanks for your encouragement and support.

That's what I'm hoping for. My hair seems to always surprise me so I just hope that this is the case this time! I've been nothing but consistent so if anything, at least I gained some thickness!

But I don't think I'm even close to waist length. Maybe MBL, but not waist length....which is cool. Still longer than it's ever been!
LOL! :lol:
It makes a scary noise. Kinda like a chopping sewing machine. And at first, I was like... Uh. What was I thinking when I got this??? But then I was like, Oh yeah! Where's the hubbs? Come be my Guinea pig! (His hair is like a 1B, nearly straight with just a bit of a wave and at the time a bit past his shoulders) I was actually SHOCKED by how little it cut.

Once upon a time, my ends were in such good shape, I had just a pinch of teeny tiny hair strands and some powdered hair after using The Splitender... I'm a littld scared to see what it would leave behind now.

I would probably jack my hair up trying to use that thing. lol It looks cool but my hair would probably eye me like "uhhhhhh MA'AM! EXCUSE YOU!" lol

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Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

I would probably jack my hair up trying to use that thing. lol It looks cool but my hair would probably eye me like "uhhhhhh MA'AM! EXCUSE YOU!" lol

Does it just naturally clip them or do you have to like press a button or something? This sounds cool though it does sound like my hair would at least have to be blowdried and my hair is hardly ever straightened out with heat.

Great idea though!

I'm not sure I could really explain it. There is a video on their site. But imagine you pull it down your hair the same as you do a flat iron, and it trims the ends as you pull it across your hair.

I did a curlformer set to use it. The reason your hair probably has to be straighter than usual is because you have to get the comb that's attached to it to pass through your hair. My hair had product on it. I doubt that I would ever have my hair straight without product. My hair is a 4b and it worked just fine.
Thanks caliscurls and fancypants007 for the tips. I wonder would it cut more than 1/4 if your ends needed it? Or does it cut off only 1/4" regardless?
I've had mine over a year now and it consistently cuts less than 1/4 inch in 1 pass ( I always inspect the trimmings before throwing them out). Not sure if it's this particular device or what.....could be the 1/4 in is based on the number of passes. I think they recommend 3 which would get you 1/4 in total per section.

Edit: so if you need more you can always do more passes
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

Is anyone actually getting an inch a month? I feel like it's impossible.

It's possible. I got it in April and May. It has been hard to get it since. For me to get it I was living the Middle East. I kept my hair corn rolled during the week and covered with a scarf. I stayed consistent with my protective style. Plus I did the LOC method everyday so when I went out into 90+ degree weather daily I was getting a deep conditioner. Unfortunately my father had some medical issues and I decided to return home. It's has been near to impossible to get that growth and I'm using the exact same products. Because it's not as hot here in GA compared Abu Dhabi. So I'm convinced that for my hair, HEAT made the difference.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

I have and love the Split Ender but have never used it with bare hair. I can't get my hair straight without using something so I tend to use it after a good detangle session when my hair has very little product in it and is mostly straight or after a blow dry / flat iron session. I'm going to try using it in two weeks after only blow drying using the tension method and a heat protectant.

Tips: make sure your hair is detangled first, go slow, do it in small sections. Big sections tend to snag and/or just not dust well.

That's right, you need to do very small sections. You should be fine during it on blown dried hair. Your hair just needs to be tangle free and in small sections.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

I would probably jack my hair up trying to use that thing. lol It looks cool but my hair would probably eye me like "uhhhhhh MA'AM! EXCUSE YOU!" lol

Does it just naturally clip them or do you have to like press a button or something? This sounds cool though it does sound like my hair would at least have to be blowdried and my hair is hardly ever straightened out with heat.

Great idea though!

You can google it. There are many Youtube videos on how to use it. That is what I did before I purchased and it really is a worthwhile purchase as far as I'm concerned. Check it out.