

Well-Known Member
People are starting to make their siggies dangerously big again. Can you make them stop?

...and those movable gifs....they slow up my computer.

The signature pics and movable gifs are starting to get out of control. Who needs 4, 6, 8 pictures in ONE signature!?



Well-Known Member
People are starting to make their siggies dangerously big again. Can you make them stop?

...and those movable gifs....they slow up my computer.

The signature pics and movable gifs are starting to get out of control. Who needs 4, 6, 8 pictures in ONE signature!?


I'm still trying to figure out how people can get all of that in their signature to begin with. I put too much I get that message about you can only use 3 lines. LOL.


Well-Known Member
You can use AdBlock dear if its that necessary. Also, why is your internet so slow? I'm gon need you to leave dial-up alone and subscribe to dsl, cable, or wireless. :lachen: