Masturbation and the Single Christian


Back to basics
I believe it is self abuse to get yourself highly aroused, only to be unfulfilled the way God intended is wrong. We are not to abuse ourselves. God condemned Sodom and Gommorah for unnatural practices. Pray God to deliver from the desire of these pratices.

yep that's true, we had cam sex with my fiance, since we're thousands of miles apart, we thought it's just masturbation and since we're gonna marry each other it's ok

NUH_HUH... we knew after some time it was wrong, even when it wasn't together and on our own, masturbation is not good, it takes ur mind OFF christ, what i did is i prayed hard, fasted and asked god to deliver me and HE has, it's been weeks and nothing, not even the will to do it, not even the tingling i'd get in the stomach when a picture would pass through my mind. I just have to keep focusing on him and he'll keep me on track,

I see it as, if i can live without it, i don't need it, not the way i need Jesus Christ, so it'll go, power of the mind is tricky, but u just have to give ur mind over to Him to control and u'll be fine... it's possible to not want anything, i'm living proof of that, we used to want it several times a week, for almost 2 years !! now? nothing for 2 months ! NO THING! it's beautiful to be free from that


New Member
Speaking of myself: "Talk about the blind leading the blind"

Just a couple days ago my eyes were opened regarding the bible and its true context and how we as Christians are to live. In the last couple days I have found a site that answers many many questions and it also provides scripture to back up what they have on the site. Keep in mind that when taking scripture you need to have your bible handy, or in my case I have my 3 bibles handy, so that you can read the entire chapter to get a full understanding on what the versus is truly about. You may even have to read the chapter before.

Here is the link to what they say on the site about Masturbation
And here is what they say about Masturbation in Marriage


Well-Known Member



Did anyone ever examine the relationship between the beliefs regarding sex put forth in the Bible and the historical periods they occured/were developed in?

I'm sorry I am going to offend people, but what some of you people are talking about here is just plain unnatural. First of all when these laws/beliefs were laid down, women and men were marrying at a much younger age. A woman was a "woman" at 12 and there was nothing unnatural for a woman to be married at 12 (as it is in our times). Hence by the time she'd hit what we now define as her "teenage years" she would have been married and been engaged in sexually intercourse. That would have surely eased some of that extreme sexual agitation and tension that builds up during and after the teens.

Why do I say it's unnatural? Well women are no longer marrying at 12, instead we are marry regularly in our 20s and 30s, that's an additional 10-20 years longer than what the typical biblical woman would have waited before engaged in (marital, if you wish) sexual intercourse. So why are we following these particular rules in the way we are, while ditching other on the claims that they're outmoded. For example, you're not supposed to eat pigs, it's in the bible; in fact in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, were forbidden to eat meat/flesh; you're supposed to observe the sabbath (just like the orthodox Jews do, Friday sundown through Saturday sundown), etc., etc. but how many of ya'll are doing it? Well you're sinning if you're not!

Humans are blessed with a wonderful range of sexual energy. Female are particular blessed because in addition to the vagina and the breasts, she has a clitoris that gives her the ultimate ability to enjoy sex and her sexuality to the fullest. But what do we do? We spend generations, lifetimes, telling people (women) that sex is BAD before marriage (and during, according to some major religious) and that it is OKAY to SUFFER those undescribable feelings and pains that is generated by loneliness and UNFULFILLED sexuality. God forbid a woman should never find a husband, then according to what many of you are saying here, she will have to remain sexually unfulflilled (not even being allowed to masturbate) her entire life wouldn't she! The assumption is that God will provide a husband to every women, but we all know that's not every woman will find a husband and that in our day and age many won't find a decent one before her 30s.

Some religious group says sex is only to engaged in only for procreation. Well God didn't make humans like dogs now, did he? Humans, unlike the vast majority of other creatures, are in "heat" 24/7. Whereas dogs and other creatures are in heat only when they need to procreate. So why are we going around telling people to stiffle their sexually, unnaturally, and say it's in the name of God! If you really want to follow God's wisdom, then ya'll (who are promoting this) should lobby to have marriageable age lowered to 12 (just as in biblical times). That way little girls won't be growing up into grown women who are unhappy and miserable as hell (even if they won't admit it; some don't even know the real reason why) because they are taught that it is BAD, A SIN, to allow themselves to feel the full range of their God-given, positive, emotions and desires. And even worse they won't be teaching their daughters or others girls/women that it's okay to experience that particular torture. As far as I can see, this is no different than when the slave-owners were telling black people (and made it law) that it is unnatural for them to read or learn how to read because God made (and they used the Bible to support them) white people to teach black people what they needed to know.

Institutionally-dictated celibacy is the most vicious and POWERFUL means of CONTROLing people. Do your research, the most VIOLENT cultures (including this one) are the ones that promote sexual repressions. I'm not saying people should run around and sleep with anything that moves. Far from it, but some people here are on one hand basically saying sex and sexuality are NASTY and DIGUSTING -- A SIN -- and one the other saying it will be GREAT with a husband. Well if a woman should spend the first 20-30 years or so of her life repressing her sexuality to the point where masturbation is considered disgusting by thinking and totally believing that sex or "fornication" as some defines it, is wrong, -- which is basically mental clitoridectomy -- she's ONE MESSED UP woman by the time she hits the marriage bed. A person just cannot switch the brain on and off like that. Just as she is taught and learns to think of sex (masturbation, sex outside of marriage, even oral sex or use of toys according to some -- within marriage) as sinful and disgusting by default, which is what I'm leaning here, she will have to learn how to reverse that when she gets married, who's going to teach her? I don't see any classes around teaching married Christian women how to enjoy sex after a lifetime of repression, etc. (if there are I would like to know). By that time it's too late.

I read some of these posts and I :cry3: because we have obviously learnt nothing from history. Learnt nothing from looking back and see how female sexual repression have created so much emotional instability and depression and suicides in various forms in women for most of human civilization.

I am not going run out of this thread. Nah, I'll be back checking to see what people are saying. And before any of ya'll judge me by thinking I must one loose woman, I'll have you know that in my almost 24 years I've had sex only once and my celibacy has been by choice (partly because I'm just picky and partly because I'm still unlearning what I was taught and am now learning to accept the truth that my body isn't sinful) and not because of institutional dogma. So whenever I choose to have sex or think about it, I will not have the guilt and shame and depression and burden that some of the women here are obviously experiencing. And before anyone here judge me "because I'm not a Christian" well I'll let you know I grew up, and spend most of my life, VERY Christian, probably what some of you would describe as orthodox, but learnt, and you all know this, that the Bible is open to many, unlimited, interpretations (hence the various Christian denominations) and decided that my only purpose in life is to be compassionate...


Well-Known Member
You said it all! Heck yeah I would abstain from sex until marriage if I got married when I was 12!

Did anyone ever examine the relationship between the beliefs regarding sex put forth in the Bible and the historical periods they occured/were developed in?

I'm sorry I am going to offend people, but what some of you people are talking about here is just plain unnatural. First of all when these laws/beliefs were laid down, women and men were marrying at a much younger age. A woman was a "woman" at 12 and there was nothing unnatural for a woman to be married at 12 (as it is in our times). Hence by the time she'd hit what we now define as her "teenage years" she would have been married and been engaged in sexually intercourse. That would have surely eased some of that extreme sexual agitation and tension that builds up during and after the teens.

Why do I say it's unnatural? Well women are no longer marrying at 12, instead we are marry regularly in our 20s and 30s, that's an additional 10-20 years longer than what the typical biblical woman would have waited before engaged in (marital, if you wish) sexual intercourse. So why are we following these particular rules in the way we are, while ditching other on the claims that they're outmoded. For example, you're not supposed to eat pigs, it's in the bible; in fact in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, were forbidden to eat meat/flesh; you're supposed to observe the sabbath (just like the orthodox Jews do, Friday sundown through Saturday sundown), etc., etc. but how many of ya'll are doing it? Well you're sinning if you're not!

Humans are blessed with a wonderful range of sexual energy. Female are particular blessed because in addition to the vagina and the breasts, she has a clitoris that gives her the ultimate ability to enjoy sex and her sexuality to the fullest. But what do we do? We spend generations, lifetimes, telling people (women) that sex is BAD before marriage (and during, according to some major religious) and that it is OKAY to SUFFER those undescribable feelings and pains that is generated by loneliness and UNFULFILLED sexuality. God forbid a woman should never find a husband, then according to what many of you are saying here, she will have to remain sexually unfulflilled (not even being allowed to masturbate) her entire life wouldn't she! The assumption is that God will provide a husband to every women, but we all know that's not every woman will find a husband and that in our day and age many won't find a decent one before her 30s.

Some religious group says sex is only to engaged in only for procreation. Well God didn't make humans like dogs now, did he? Humans, unlike the vast majority of other creatures, are in "heat" 24/7. Whereas dogs and other creatures are in heat only when they need to procreate. So why are we going around telling people to stiffle their sexually, unnaturally, and say it's in the name of God! If you really want to follow God's wisdom, then ya'll (who are promoting this) should lobby to have marriageable age lowered to 12 (just as in biblical times). That way little girls won't be growing up into grown women who are unhappy and miserable as hell (even if they won't admit it; some don't even know the real reason why) because they are taught that it is BAD, A SIN, to allow themselves to feel the full range of their God-given, positive, emotions and desires. And even worse they won't be teaching their daughters or others girls/women that it's okay to experience that particular torture. As far as I can see, this is no different than when the slave-owners were telling black people (and made it law) that it is unnatural for them to read or learn how to read because God made (and they used the Bible to support them) white people to teach black people what they needed to know.

Institutionally-dictated celibacy is the most vicious and POWERFUL means of CONTROLing people. Do your research, the most VIOLENT cultures (including this one) are the ones that promote sexual repressions. I'm not saying people should run around and sleep with anything that moves. Far from it, but some people here are on one hand basically saying sex and sexuality are NASTY and DIGUSTING -- A SIN -- and one the other saying it will be GREAT with a husband. Well if a woman should spend the first 20-30 years or so of her life repressing her sexuality to the point where masturbation is considered disgusting by thinking and totally believing that sex or "fornication" as some defines it, is wrong, -- which is basically mental clitoridectomy -- she's ONE MESSED UP woman by the time she hits the marriage bed. A person just cannot switch the brain on and off like that. Just as she is taught and learns to think of sex (masturbation, sex outside of marriage, even oral sex or use of toys according to some -- within marriage) as sinful and disgusting by default, which is what I'm leaning here, she will have to learn how to reverse that when she gets married, who's going to teach her? I don't see any classes around teaching married Christian women how to enjoy sex after a lifetime of repression, etc. (if there are I would like to know). By that time it's too late.

I read some of these posts and I :cry3: because we have obviously learnt nothing from history. Learnt nothing from looking back and see how female sexual repression have created so much emotional instability and depression and suicides in various forms in women for most of human civilization.

I am not going run out of this thread. Nah, I'll be back checking to see what people are saying. And before any of ya'll judge me by thinking I must one loose woman, I'll have you know that in my almost 24 years I've had sex only once and my celibacy has been by choice (partly because I'm just picky and partly because I'm still unlearning what I was taught and am now learning to accept the truth that my body isn't sinful) and not because of institutional dogma. So whenever I choose to have sex or think about it, I will not have the guilt and shame and depression and burden that some of the women here are obviously experiencing. And before anyone here judge me "because I'm not a Christian" well I'll let you know I grew up, and spend most of my life, VERY Christian, probably what some of you would describe as orthodox, but learnt, and you all know this, that the Bible is open to many, unlimited, interpretations (hence the various Christian denominations) and decided that my only purpose in life is to be compassionate...


New Member
Did anyone ever examine the relationship between the beliefs regarding sex put forth in the Bible and the historical periods they occured/were developed in?

I'm sorry I am going to offend people, but what some of you people are talking about here is just plain unnatural. First of all when these laws/beliefs were laid down, women and men were marrying at a much younger age. A woman was a "woman" at 12 and there was nothing unnatural for a woman to be married at 12 (as it is in our times). Hence by the time she'd hit what we now define as her "teenage years" she would have been married and been engaged in sexually intercourse. That would have surely eased some of that extreme sexual agitation and tension that builds up during and after the teens.

Why do I say it's unnatural? Well women are no longer marrying at 12, instead we are marry regularly in our 20s and 30s, that's an additional 10-20 years longer than what the typical biblical woman would have waited before engaged in (marital, if you wish) sexual intercourse. So why are we following these particular rules in the way we are, while ditching other on the claims that they're outmoded. For example, you're not supposed to eat pigs, it's in the bible; in fact in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, were forbidden to eat meat/flesh; you're supposed to observe the sabbath (just like the orthodox Jews do, Friday sundown through Saturday sundown), etc., etc. but how many of ya'll are doing it? Well you're sinning if you're not!

Humans are blessed with a wonderful range of sexual energy. Female are particular blessed because in addition to the vagina and the breasts, she has a clitoris that gives her the ultimate ability to enjoy sex and her sexuality to the fullest. But what do we do? We spend generations, lifetimes, telling people (women) that sex is BAD before marriage (and during, according to some major religious) and that it is OKAY to SUFFER those undescribable feelings and pains that is generated by loneliness and UNFULFILLED sexuality. God forbid a woman should never find a husband, then according to what many of you are saying here, she will have to remain sexually unfulflilled (not even being allowed to masturbate) her entire life wouldn't she! The assumption is that God will provide a husband to every women, but we all know that's not every woman will find a husband and that in our day and age many won't find a decent one before her 30s.

Some religious group says sex is only to engaged in only for procreation. Well God didn't make humans like dogs now, did he? Humans, unlike the vast majority of other creatures, are in "heat" 24/7. Whereas dogs and other creatures are in heat only when they need to procreate. So why are we going around telling people to stiffle their sexually, unnaturally, and say it's in the name of God! If you really want to follow God's wisdom, then ya'll (who are promoting this) should lobby to have marriageable age lowered to 12 (just as in biblical times). That way little girls won't be growing up into grown women who are unhappy and miserable as hell (even if they won't admit it; some don't even know the real reason why) because they are taught that it is BAD, A SIN, to allow themselves to feel the full range of their God-given, positive, emotions and desires. And even worse they won't be teaching their daughters or others girls/women that it's okay to experience that particular torture. As far as I can see, this is no different than when the slave-owners were telling black people (and made it law) that it is unnatural for them to read or learn how to read because God made (and they used the Bible to support them) white people to teach black people what they needed to know.

Institutionally-dictated celibacy is the most vicious and POWERFUL means of CONTROLing people. Do your research, the most VIOLENT cultures (including this one) are the ones that promote sexual repressions. I'm not saying people should run around and sleep with anything that moves. Far from it, but some people here are on one hand basically saying sex and sexuality are NASTY and DIGUSTING -- A SIN -- and one the other saying it will be GREAT with a husband. Well if a woman should spend the first 20-30 years or so of her life repressing her sexuality to the point where masturbation is considered disgusting by thinking and totally believing that sex or "fornication" as some defines it, is wrong, -- which is basically mental clitoridectomy -- she's ONE MESSED UP woman by the time she hits the marriage bed. A person just cannot switch the brain on and off like that. Just as she is taught and learns to think of sex (masturbation, sex outside of marriage, even oral sex or use of toys according to some -- within marriage) as sinful and disgusting by default, which is what I'm leaning here, she will have to learn how to reverse that when she gets married, who's going to teach her? I don't see any classes around teaching married Christian women how to enjoy sex after a lifetime of repression, etc. (if there are I would like to know). By that time it's too late.

I am not going run out of this thread. Nah, I'll be back checking to see what people are saying. And before any of ya'll judge me by thinking I must one loose woman, I'll have you know that in my almost 24 years I've had sex only once and my celibacy has been by choice (partly because I'm just picky and partly because I'm still unlearning what I was taught and am now learning to accept the truth that my body isn't sinful) and not because of institutional dogma. So whenever I choose to have sex or think about it, I will not have the guilt and shame and depression and burden that some of the women here are obviously experiencing. And before anyone here judge me "because I'm not a Christian" well I'll let you know I grew up, and spend most of my life, VERY Christian, probably what some of you would describe as orthodox, but learnt, and you all know this, that the Bible is open to many, unlimited, interpretations (hence the various Christian denominations) and decided that my only purpose in life is to be compassionate...[/quote

I AGREE... with most of this. And can relate because I grew up in a very religious household... not that they behaved like christians or should i say CHRIST -like.. but they were serious about spewing religious dogma. And there was a reprogramming process I had to go through before I got married.. otherwise my husband would be a very unhappy man!!!


New Member
I think a lot of things in our world are “out of alignment/balance,” but I still think God’s plan was his plan. Anyone can interpret this however they want. I agree that it was easier in biblical times to be a virgin until marriage, since people married at 12, and I definitely think this was God’s plan (for us to marry young—why else do women get their menstrual cycles in their pre-teens or early teens?). But do you think God wants us to masturbate? I’m not sure. I think he “understands” why some people would, but it doesn’t mean He wants it. I think He loves us no matter what!


New Member
Ok, I felt the need to share this with you all. Now, once you understand the nature of God, you will understand what is acceptable to him.

This testimony is for the glory of God because he took the time to tell me this after I prayed to him and I know it will help many Christians.

I asked God whether it was wrong or not and this is the scripture I was given by His Holy Spirit.

Romans 12:1

1I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

2And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Now, if this scripture convicts you, then you now know the truth and can not be ignorant on judgment day when God confronts you about it. Nor can you say you didn't know cause you have read it right here. It would be better to not know than to know and then still continue to do wrong.

When you please yourself in this way, it is not giving God glory but yourself. If you could phsically see God standing there, would you still do it? God gave me this scripture to set the captives free and when you are being controlled by your flesh, you are not free. Well, you say I am free because I can go three months without doing this sin and I say, "What happens on the fourth month?" Do you give in and submit to your flesh or are you strong and rely on God's word. You may say, I can go six months without doing this sin, "So what happens on the seventh month?" See, my point is not to be a slave to sin or your flesh. Who the son sets free is free indeed. God did not call us to be in uncontrolled passion like many that do not know him.

Oh and you may say, if God was in the room with a husband and wife while they were having intercourse, they may feel convicted too. But I say, if that husband and wife are living a Godly lifestyle which glorifies God, they will feel no shame because they are acting according to God's will for sex; to be inside of marriage.

May you receive this Word by His holy spirit and I pray that it falls on fertile ground and to soft hearts Lord God. In Jesus name. Amen.


Well-Known Member
I agree that our current social lifestyle makes it harder for us. We are getting married much later in life, everything is also so sexualized around us.

But, to let all the rules go because of this? I don't agree.
I agree that our current social lifestyle makes it harder for us. We are getting married much later in life, everything is also so sexualized around us.

But, to let all the rules go because of this? I don't agree.

I agree with you 100%. God's word is still the same, it has not changed and never will. The word says "Be ye Holy because I am Holy." I feel that if we really love the Lord and are trying to please "HIM" there are just some things that we will not do. Just my opinion.

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
I agree with you 100%. God's word is still the same, it has not changed and never will. The word says "Be ye Holy because I am Holy." I feel that if we really love the Lord and are trying to please "HIM" there are just some things that we will not do. Just my opinion.

And your opinion is well stated.:yep:


New Member
WOW...I have questioned this for a while and many of your thoughts were very interesting. I have a very "confused" view on this. You see, my "choice" of giving myself to someone that I loved was taken away from me when I was very young. By a family member unfortunately. I had just begun puberty and developing and didnt get a real chance to understand my body and all these changes before "he who shall not be named" forced me into my first sexual experience. Needless to say, I felt ashamed, dirty, incomplete and worthless. I was not sure if I was a virgin anymore (he didnt have sex with me, but he penetrated me). For years I felt uncomfortable about doing anything sexually with a guy (kissing, touching, anything) I didnt even like to look at myself naked. I always felt like I was disgusting. Then I had my first sexual experience when I was 18. I hated it. All I could think about was what he did to me. I tried again when I was 20 (I wanted to do whatever I cold to get it out of mind) and I hated it even more.. I could never be naked in front of anyone without almost breaking down into tears (the two people that I did have a sexual encounter with, NEVER saw me nude)

I talked with a girlfriend of mine, who had a similar experience when she was younger and she told me she masturbated for a while to regain that acceptance of herself. I really didnt know much about it, so I researched it, ALOT. I actually tried it for a while, and felt weird about it.. But after some time, it was a part of my healing process. It helped me to feel good about myself. It allowed me to be acceptant of myself and understand that, sexual feelings didnt have to be forced, they ACTAULLY could be enjoyable!! Then I met my now BF (fiance). we waited some time before we made love. He was the only person that I ever told my entire story to. Details and all. I had ALOT of issues with myself and my sexuality before I met him. When we finally made the decision to make love, it was the most beautiful expereince of my life. He took care of me and made me feel accepting. I didnt have the thoughts I had of being molested all over again. I had FINALLY made my own choice.

Now I am Christian, as well as my BF is too. The decision we made, many may not agree with, but then again, many have not gone thorough what I went thorough. I had to accept myself first and be OK with my body and who I was, and masturbating kind of helped me through that process. It helped me become one with myself, before I chose to become one with someone else. I know many of you may not agree with some of my decisions, but living a life where I was depressed 22 hours out of every day since the age of 12, was not a choice either. God, eventually helped me through the situation, and yeah Im not completely over it (I mean I still see the guy and he acts like nothing happened) but, I am a better person and I am just taking things one day at a time.

I rarely practice it anymore, nor do I hardly ever have sex. (sometimes we go 3 to 4 months) or longer. I know it not ALL right, but I am work in progress.. Just wanted you guys to have a different point of view on this subject.


New Member
ITA LondonDiva. :up:

Since I've given my life completly over to God, I no longer have the urge or the need to. :ohwell: Resist the urge with God on your side and all things are possible through Christ. :angel: And say to yourself "Does this activity glorify God?"

Psalms 94:11 - the LORD, knows the thoughts of man, that they are but a breath.

We are to keep His temple Holy at ALL times.

To me, IMHO,Not only masturbation, but anal sex & oral sex does nothing to glorify God either!! :nono:

I think anal and oral are ok when married as long as it doesnt cause the couple to fall. (anything can cause a couple to fall these days.)


New Member
I think a lot of things in our world are “out of alignment/balance,” but I still think God’s plan was his plan. Anyone can interpret this however they want. I agree that it was easier in biblical times to be a virgin until marriage, since people married at 12, and I definitely think this was God’s plan (for us to marry young—why else do women get their menstrual cycles in their pre-teens or early teens?). But do you think God wants us to masturbate? I’m not sure. I think he “understands” why some people would, but it doesn’t mean He wants it. I think He loves us no matter what!
I don't think that gives us the okay to have at it.


New Member
Heb. 4Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. (NIV)
Hebrews 13:4 (King James Version)

4Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.

When you please yourself in this way, it is not giving God glory but yourself. If you could phsically see God standing there, would you still do it?

I would not even want to go to the bathroom :lol:


New Member
Disclaimer : I am not talking about toys, addiction, doing it with someone else at distance, external and visual excitation, websites about how to do it…

I am trying to understand some opinions :
*If you scratch/massage your scalp and find a release in doing this : you are still holy and you are giving glory to God.
*But if you do the same thing, in your intimacy, with your clitoris : you are not holy and you are not giving glory to God.
Did I get it?

Let me ask 2 questions to the ladies saying God told me this…, the Holy Spirit convinced me of that… about masturbation :

*How many times you did this act before what you think that God told you?
*Would you believe differently if you have not been raised thinking masturbation is a sin?
No need for an answer please, it’s just for meditation.

I am really sad when some people try to push their own experience into others life.
In the don’t do that, we have to be careful to not becoming a stumbling block for others.

For me, this is just a private area, own intimacy. I have nothing to do there. And I prefer to let it to the Holy Spirit.

By teaching masturbation is a sin to - a young person with hormones+++, a person in a difficult marriage, a person whose spouse is travelling (long), a person whose spouse is very sick or hospitalized… - you can cause them to commit the real sin : fornication/adultery. Be careful!

If you are strong enough to not do it or not do it anymore - not because you are ashamed of your sexuality – but because you want to keep your flesh under control of your spirit : bravo! But, please, don’t become a stumbling block for others, weaker or not.

Physically or spiritually, I believe in steps.
Let’s take an example (a little off, but anyway, just for understanding) : sucking fingers.
Sucking a finger is tolerable for a baby/toddler, but it is no more acceptable after that.

Why not let the Holy Spirit do His work at His time, step by step, like He did it or He is doing it with you?

Warning : I am not an advocate for masturbation. If you are convinced that the Holy Spirit are telling you : it’s time to grow stronger, don’t do it anymore - if you continue, you are disobeying : this is a sin!


New Member
Heb. 4Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. (NIV)

I would not even want to go to the bathroom :lol:

That's funny. I talk to God on the toilet all the time...always talking. Motor mouth but God is like, "I'm listening." :grin:


New Member
That's funny. I talk to God on the toilet all the time...always talking. Motor mouth but God is like, "I'm listening." :grin:
Me too:yep:!
But you said physically standing there : my answer is about this.

I don't have time to answer you right now but I will when I come back.
I am not waiting for an answer. My last post is not a direct reaction to yours.
You give your opinion and I give mines like others.


Well-Known Member
I pray about this but I need to PRAY MORE!!! I will just offer this: When you're single masturbation may seem like a release. For me I never needed to think about anything sexual. I would wake up and that part of me would just be excited and all I had thought about was an assignment i needed to complete :ohwell:

However, the more you develop and "appetite" for something the more difficult it can be to let it go. When you enter into a relationship with someone resisting temptation with the other person WILL be more difficult. The "kitty cat" will be like "Yay, some really food rather than, um, milk" (if you get the analogy). Besides that I feel like it can become a stronghold. Meaning if you can not go a day or a week without doing so it has a grip on you. I AM NOT perfect but I have moved beyond justifying it ("well, God if you gave me my husband I would not need to do this...).

Off topic: I never understood why some Christians seemingly "rushed" into marriage. Now, being in a relationship I really don't think I could keep it pure for 3 or 4 years. So basically, if part of your struggle is b/c you're with someone who you truly love and also have natural physical desires for, don't wait just to wait. I'd rather have a smaller wedding and keep it holy. At least, I KNOW God would prefer it that way.


Well-Known Member
he put restrictions on anal sex due to the spiritual SOUL TIE that the act causes..
ANAL sex is how one remains spiritually bound to someone.
this is done in satanic rituals..
this is done to control someone..
i can inbox you as to why i know this.


Well-Known Member
I pray about this but I need to PRAY MORE!!! I will just offer this: When you're single masturbation may seem like a release. For me I never needed to think about anything sexual. I would wake up and that part of me would just be excited and all I had thought about was an assignment i needed to complete :ohwell:

However, the more you develop and "appetite" for something the more difficult it can be to let it go. When you enter into a relationship with someone resisting temptation with the other person WILL be more difficult. The "kitty cat" will be like "Yay, some really food rather than, um, milk" (if you get the analogy). Besides that I feel like it can become a stronghold. Meaning if you can not go a day or a week without doing so it has a grip on you. I AM NOT perfect but I have moved beyond justifying it ("well, God if you gave me my husband I would not need to do this...).

Off topic: I never understood why some Christians seemingly "rushed" into marriage. Now, being in a relationship I really don't think I could keep it pure for 3 or 4 years. So basically, if part of your struggle is b/c you're with someone who you truly love and also have natural physical desires for, don't wait just to wait. I'd rather have a smaller wedding and keep it holy. At least, I KNOW God would prefer it that way.

@bolded- I think if you had a long courtship 1yr + then getting married in 4-6mos is not a rush. But I do think only knowing someone for 4mos and then getting married is a "rush". My question for the latter would be why the rush? What is compelling you to get married so soon after meeting someone? To me it would be the heart posture of the person getting married after 4mos vs the people who have a short 4mos engagement. The 1st seem like they not want to wait in order to "legally" have sex.


Well-Known Member
I just prayed with some friends about this. Our conversation was quite enlightening. It felt good to know some people in real life who struggle with this. We are going to keep each other accountable and pray for each other. We truly want to be pure for our husbands.


Well-Known Member
^^^^^I agree....I always told people being physical with another person is not a problem for me...its being physical with myself that I need to work on smh


Well-Known Member
he put restrictions on anal sex due to the spiritual SOUL TIE that the act causes..
ANAL sex is how one remains spiritually bound to someone.
this is done in satanic rituals..
this is done to control someone..
i can inbox you as to why i know this.

I would like to know how you know about this too? Thanks in advance
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