What did you consider ''long hair'' before you joined LHCF?

I considered long hair thick/healthy mid backish length hair. I still consider that long hair.

Shoulder - medium length
Securely armpit or longer - medium long
Bra strap and longer - long

Thickness also plays a role. Even with my own hair, if I'm thinly at bra strap then I don't think of it as long even though in length it may be.
Anything a couple of inches past the shoulders was long to me. Now I'm almost APL, I'm happy with it but I still feel like I'm just starting to acheive real length.
Like u ladies here I thought APL was long but to tell the truth before being introduced to Cathy Howse then to LHCF I just didn't think much of my hair and I didn't expect much outta it. uknow.
Like u ladies here I thought APL was long but to tell the truth before being introduced to Cathy Howse then to LHCF I just didn't think much of my hair and I didn't expect much outta it. uknow.

me, too. before hair boards i didn't think much about hair, either. i've been natural for 12 years and the last time i straightened my hair was in 2001, so i didn't really get to see its length anyway. and i never thought about taking one of those pics with the hair stretched, just didn't even occur to me. i guess i thought apl was long, but since the hair boards i think bsl. on my super shrinkage, that still wouldn't be very long, though.

i finally took one of those length shots and, to my surprise, the twists at my nape can be stretched to near APL. My hair's been longer than this (cut it a couple times), so I guess by my own standards, I had "long" hair! :rolleyes:
I used to think SL was long on a BW because that was the longest length I saw. My hair would always get to that point before it started to break off (on my clothes, which I know now or from being over-processed) and people would say that my hair was long. Now I think thick, healthy, even APL is long.
Pre LHCF I thought APL was long or hair that was past SL.... I was used to seeing BW with SL hair, however I rarely saw BW in particular with APL or longer.. Even now since I reached APL and beyond people swear my hair is long and I'm like it is.. Being on LHCF have defitnitley changed my thinking about length... :spinning:
i considered neck length long for black woman and feet length for white woman. sorry:perplexed

but ever since joining LHCF i have learned that no length is impossible for any race. i use to think i could never get past neck length. well now my hair is APL and i am pushin for BSL by the end of this year. with the regimen I have used every since I joined this site... i believe I will get it. thanks LHCF!!:grin:
I always thought APL was long. I seldom saw anything longer than that, and when I would just stare at them like my nephew did when he saw motorcycles (when he was 2). I think I am currently APL (I'll know for sure after I get my hair relaxed tomorrow).
My ideas about long hair didn't change after I joined LHCF but after I visited Hawaii a few years ago. I was already kind of snobbish about what I considered long hair but after that?:lachen:

When I hear people around me talking about so and so's "long" hair that is touching her shoulder blades I just wanna bust out laughing because it's like a joke to me.
Before LHCF, SL/APL was long, honey! And BSL and longer was very long. Now it's like SL/APL is short and BSL is medium... I'm crazy though :crazy:
Before LHCF, SL/APL was long, honey! And BSL and longer was very long. Now it's like SL/APL is short and BSL is medium... I'm crazy though :crazy:

This is kinda how I feel too. My best friend has to remind me all the time that my hair "is" long.

I think I hang out on fotki way too much. it is skewing my reality.
I though full shoulder length was long and my eyes would bulge out if I should see hair any longer then that and then I would think its not real and i would study it to find the tracks but I was never rude enough to make a comment of course. Now Brastrap and midback is long to me. I still dream of getting to Armpit length. Its been two years and I am still keeping hope alive. :perplexed
before joining, shoulder length and/or maybe an inch or 2 lower. now i consider that medium. at the apl mark is what i consider long:grin:
Before LHCF I thought anything past SL was long. Now, BSL or longer on other people. Since my hair is natural, I think I have to get to almost waistlength for my hair to look long (but I have learned to love the shrinkage). :yep:

That's me too
Thought full shoulder length was long APL left me :love::wow:I very rarely saw Full APL. Still not very common.
After LHCF~ APL to BRA is long
Pre LHCF I thought APL was long or hair that was past SL.... I was used to seeing BW with SL hair, however I rarely saw BW in particular with APL or longer.. Even now since I reached APL and beyond people swear my hair is long and I'm like it is.. Being on LHCF have defitnitley changed my thinking about length... :spinning:
Your hair is so pretty do you trim your ends routinely or dust?
Thank You Summer 74!
No I don't trim my ends that often and thank goodness that I don't have to. I wear a bun seven days a week which save my ends from needing to be trimmed.

Your hair is so pretty do you trim your ends routinely or dust?
Anything that was slightly past SL. And don't LET it be a thick SL, I would be gawking! :blush: