12 Inches In 12 Months - 2017

Current Length: Past CBL (8-8.5”)
Goal Length Having Retained 12 inches: BSL (20”)
Starting Pic: Partly stretched, dry harped, I do not use heat.

Under running water, hair growth is so uneven:


I love the shine, texture and density of your hair in the red shirt. I also love the drawing on the ruler you used to measure your hair. (That dog is running and hot on the trail. So cute!)
Just sprayed my hair with NW Excel 21, massage for a minute or two, and did a 5 minute inversion. Today was Day 6 of my inversions - one more to go.
Alright, so my hair suffered steam damage from last year so for me there's going to be a focus on strengthenin and gaining thickness.
and I'm really beginning to hate flatironed hair for length checks, so ............I may possibly just do tension blow outs on length checks going forward.

Current Length: CBL
Goal Length Having Retained 12 inches: MBL.

Ending Length Having Achieved last year's results: Nipple lg in front, full BSL in the back.
Ending Length Having Retained the basic 6 inches: 2 inches above nipple lg in front, 1 inch below APL in the back.

Starting Pic:

-Mild shampoo and fermented rice water rinse once a week.
-Trim/dust once every 3 months.
-Protective style under wigs.
-Light application of Grapeseed oil on hair once a week.

-Bamboo extract.

Let's get this hair in shape because I SHO' feel like shaving it off!
How do you think you got steam damage? Too frequent or too hot?
Took my faux locs down..currently DC'ing with Cantu Deep Moisture. Gonna finish making my wig today and on to the next protective style.
My browser crashes whenever I try to upload a pic, so using this less-than-stellar one for now:

20160924_022549 (2).jpg

Current length: APL
Goal length if I retain 12 inches: A little past WL, I think, if I was holding the measuring tape properly.

I plan on transitioning all throughout 2017 so at the very least I want to maintain my current length while doing so, but I definitely don't want to lose any length.
I'm joining!! I'll be back with info, once I blowdry my hair

I have FINALLY blow-dried my hair and flatironed it!!! This has got to be the BEST flat iron job that I have ever done. My hair is SUPEER straight and soft.

OK, so now I'm officially ready to join this challenge!!

:hair:Current Length:
Front: 13', Back: 14'=BSL

Wash hair once a week and doing MHM at least once a month (more during the summer)
*CLEANSE: ACV, clay or KC
*DC: Tressume undone
*LEAVE-IN: Tressume undone or KCNT
*STYLER: KCC or Camile Rose Curl Maker.
*PROTECTIVE STLYES: Wng's w/ the back pinned up and buns

:hair:Starting Pics: See below. 1st pic is before the trim and the others are after the trim.

:hair:Length I'll be if I get 12in: HL:headspin:




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Lovely hair! I really like the color, length and health. I have no doubts. YOU will definitely be at hip length this upcoming year! And I, Chicoro, will have the privilege and honor to be here and watch you do it!

I am so excited about seeing everyone's updates during the journey for the upcoming year.
The :click:before and after photos.... :flahssssss: sigh...they just fill me with glee! :clap:

I know I'll be floored when people start doing reveals in December 2017.
I.CAN'T. WAIT! :D:toocool:

I'm gorging myself on LHCF current and archived threads because when 2017 hits, I won't have the luxury to peruse the site.
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I'm interested in your Fotki! What's old is new again. First Surge, now Fokti. I still have my Fotki, too. I said hello to you on yours. I prefer posting updates there. It was and is still well suited for hair documentation. I'm going to follow your lead (copy you :giggle:) and put my link back in my siggy, too.
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Count me in, because I want ALL the inches!

Current Length: Between BSL and MBL
Goal Length Having Retained 12 inches: TBL...but I'll be happy with full HL!

1. Scalp massages everyday. We should be moisturizing everyday even with protective styling so take a few minutes to massage your scalp with your fingers!. If you have soreness, avoid that area of your head and/or do it more gentler like a relaxing gentle massage; these few minutes could be your relaxation and reflection time. Feel free to incorporate stimulating/nourishing essential oils to your carrier oil.
I'm in wigs most of the time, so I usually don't do this. Since I'm DC'ing 1-2x per week now, I will massage my scalp while my hair is out.

2. Protective styles/low manipulation styles at at least 3 to 5 days out of the week.
Every day for me - I will only take down my wigs to wash/DC and spray/oil/massage my scalp.

3. No heat until the end of the challenge. *Exceptions for special occasions; just be sure to maximize your level of heat protection and use minimal handling when and where possible.
I only use heat when I do official, photographed length checks, which has been about 1x per year to date.

4. Mild exercise often, this could be in the form of a brisk walk daily. Alter for your wants and needs.
Aiming to work out at least 3x per week.

5. Incorporate either the Green House Effect or baggying method nightly/weekly, (depends on what styles you'll be wearing)
Won't be doing this.

6. Trims only when absolutely necessary; preferably the "search and destroy" method if you can.
Only when necessary.

7. Moisturize and seal everyday.
I moisturize and seal on wash/cowash days, then braid my hair, tuck ends, and put on wig.

8. Whenever you shampoo, co-wash and deep condition, pre-poo if you must (particularly coconut oil to reduce swelling), make sure to detangle (includes finger combing) and divide hair into sections when washing it.
I pre-poo occasionally.

9. In the winter month when wearing hats, wear either a silk bonnet underneath the hat OR have silk lining in the hat to protect hair.
I have my SLAP caps for this purpose

10. Sleep with a silk or satin scarf every night or a silk pillowcase and/or both!

11. Drink lots of water. I can assure you that if it wasn't for water, my hair wouldn't have grown to the length it is now. Drink it anyways for your health. Water allows the nutrients to circulate throughout your body.
Drinking more water and coconut water, no juices, aside from aloe vera juice, no sodas.

12. Eat a healthy and BALANCED diet. Make sure to try and incorporate many fruits and vegetables each day (Done). Foods that really promote hair growth: Fish (omega 3 fatty acids), eggs (omega 3 fatty acids)(Done), oranges (full of vitamin c), nuts (particularly almonds which strengthen hair and produces a shine)(Done), carrots (full of vitamin A and makes hair shiny) (Done), broccoli (calcium)(Done), spinach(Done), bananas (full of biotin)(Done), meat/fish (protein), etc. As for vegetables, even if you don't like them now, your taste buds will adapt to the tastes and you may start to love them!
I am vegetarian, don't eat meat or fish, but will incorporate more eggs, legumes/beans, and nuts.

13. Take a daily multi-vitamin.

14. Use a growth aid. It can be anything from CastorOil, JBCO, Sulfur infused oils, supplements etc. The list is endless.
Taking BB HSN, Marine Collagen; Using Netwurks Xcel 21, Hairveda Shikakai Oil, JBCO, and I still got some MTG that I use here and there.

15. Reduce stress. Don't worry, be happy! Yoga, meditation, relaxing, simply reduce it because it can slow down hair growth. SLEEP. SMILE. BREATHE - scalp massages in #1 can help!
Meditating daily! Working on sleeping more, but I do have a 12 month old baby!

16. If you are relaxed/texlaxed/transitioning, try your best to stretch your relaxers to as long as you feel is reasonable. Simply try to keep your hair in the best shape possible.
Currently natural

17. Every day, say a positive affirmation about yourself to motivate yourself. If you believe, YOU ARE.

18. Although we're checking in every 3 months; every 2 months do a length check for your own records to see how you are coming along.
Will do!

19. Every month simply post on the wall on how you're doing, how much growth you have had etc.
Will do!

20. Last but not least, we are a community, come back to this post as often as possible to offer/seek support, post any new tips/finds and positive motivational comments.
Love you ladies!! :bighug:

Starting Pic:
Hair update!
I applied my first henna treatment this weekend. My hair feels stronger, but the ends are slightly rougher than usual. I think it's OK though because I tend to keep my ends tucked away anyway. As long as they aren't tangling or breaking, I'm happy! I really hope this helps me retain length. I will do it again in six weeks.
I also completed my week of inversions for December. I used my castor oil mix (got the recipe from Youtuber ulovemegz- love her!) and massaged my scalp before inverting for 4 minutes.
Hair update!
I applied my first henna treatment this weekend. My hair feels stronger, but the ends are slightly rougher than usual. I think it's OK though because I tend to keep my ends tucked away anyway. As long as they aren't tangling or breaking, I'm happy! I really hope this helps me retain length. I will do it again in six weeks.
I also completed my week of inversions for December. I used my castor oil mix (got the recipe from Youtuber ulovemegz- love her!) and massaged my scalp before inverting for 4 minutes.
Did you do a moisture DC after?
Did you do a moisture DC after?
Yes, after I rinsed out the henna I cowashed with As I Am cowash, then I deep conditioned for an hour with Shea Moisture moisturizing DC. Can't remember the exact name of it, but it's the one with the yellow label. I think it worked pretty well, but I only used it because I had it on hand. Do you have any recommendations for a good post-henna DC? Thank you! :D
Yes, after I rinsed out the henna I cowashed with As I Am cowash, then I deep conditioned for an hour with Shea Moisture moisturizing DC. Can't remember the exact name of it, but it's the one with the yellow label. I think it worked pretty well, but I only used it because I had it on hand. Do you have any recommendations for a good post-henna DC? Thank you! :D
I Love the SM Manuka Honey Masque after I henna, I put it on heavy because my hair eats it at first. Then follow up with my oil mix and butter mix, then tuck and away it goes til next wash.
I have also just used my butter mix after henna and hair feels great. Try putting extra on your ends and tuck them away, if you didn't have problems with your ends before the henna I think they're just dry.
Last thing, I oil my hair a day or two before I henna and then put the henna on top, my hair always feels strong but never dry.
I Love the SM Manuka Honey Masque after I henna, I put it on heavy because my hair eats it at first. Then follow up with my oil mix and butter mix, then tuck and away it goes til next wash.
I have also just used my butter mix after henna and hair feels great. Try putting extra on your ends and tuck them away, if you didn't have problems with your ends before the henna I think they're just dry.
Last thing, I oil my hair a day or two before I henna and then put the henna on top, my hair always feels strong but never dry.
Awesome, I will try that. Thanks!
Still don't have a starting pic yet because I'm still in my PS, but I've been consistent with my regimen, including my supplements. I just added Phytospecific Cap'Energy yesterday and I'm going to start drinking the Beautifully Bamboo tea when it arrives. I'm a super slow grower, so 12 inches here I come!
Yesterday I exfoliated my scalp with a brown sugar & grapeseed oil mix, clarified with Keracare 1st Lather & followed with Detangling shampoo, DC'ed with NG Slippery Elm & Marshmallow Root, then applied
Shescentit Coco Creme Leave In, Qhemet AOHC, and sealed with Hairveda Vatika Frosting, which I also used to massage my scalp. My hair was super soft!
Count me in guys! I'm currently in a PS so I won't be able to provide starting pics until I take these braids out.

Current Length: WL
Length after 12 inches: Approaching Mid-Thigh Length :tantrum:


-Protective Style.
-W&S as needed.
-DC with every wash.
-User steamer 2x per month
-Keep a simple regimen with simple products
I have FINALLY blow-dried my hair and flatironed it!!! This has got to be the BEST flat iron job that I have ever done. My hair is SUPEER straight and soft.

OK, so now I'm officially ready to join this challenge!!

:hair:Current Length:
Front: 13', Back: 14'=BSL

Wash hair once a week and doing MHM at least once a month (more during the summer)
*CLEANSE: ACV, clay or KC
*DC: Tressume undone
*LEAVE-IN: Tressume undone or KCNT
*STYLER: KCC or Camile Rose Curl Maker.
*PROTECTIVE STLYES: Wng's w/ the back pinned up and buns

:hair:Starting Pics: See below. 1st pic is before the trim and the others are after the trim.

:hair:Length I'll be if I get 12in: HL:headspin:



I'm still wearing my hair straight. I currently have it in a half up/half down top knot style. My scalp has been itchy but no signs of dandruff. I haven't needed to re-flat iron my hair. My hair and ends look pretty good. I did a S&D over the past 3 days and removed some horrible splits and knots. To keep my hair moisturized I've been using kinky curly hair polisher and at night I've been wearing my SLAP hat. That hat is AMAZING at keeping my roots smooth and hair straight.

I haven't decided when I plan on washing my hair, but when I do I will be doing MHM.
I had to use dish soap to strip something off my hair and it destroyed my acid mantle, leaving me with super crispy, fizzy, extra-tangly coils and a tight prickly scalp. So far, zero breakage! :pepper::yay:

I must be doing something right for a change...
image.jpg **Starting Pics**
There's so many impressive starting pics so far -exciting (((:)

Current length: APL
Goal Length: WL

Regime: Sulphur oil for scalp, monthly use of inversion method and fortnightly washes with my own 'shampoo bomba' mix that I add to my CON argan oil shampoo. I will protective style my hair in cornrows and keep it moisturised with a mixture of s curl gel with any creamy leave in. Olive and coconut oil will also be put to use and I will limit my use of heat. My hopes are high!! :)
I moisturized my ends tonight with APB Moisturizing Hair Lotion sealed with Rusk Deep Shine Argan Oil. Sprayed and massaged my scalp with Netwurks Xcel 21.