2017 Coffee Tea Clay Mud Acv Avj Ayurveda Challenge

Used acv twice in my wash day today to see if it would help with some itching from the braids I was having. My hair isn't dry yet, but it feels much better.

Also did a rinse with Senna alexandria tea (with a green tea bag as well). I had to strain it about 3 times and I think a little bit of resiue still ended up on my scalp. I forgot that I had set some rice water aside 3 days ago, so decided to just layer it on top of the DC I had layered on top of the senna. The smell was still very... poignant after rinsing so I just did another acv to help get rid of it.

The hair at the roots of my braids feel great. This was a fun and quick wash day.
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I hear ya. I am 46 and trying to keep my follicles alive after seeing my mother lose all her edges.
I had a link to pinkecube's bald spot protocol but lost it. Google is not being a good friend right now; I despise the new algorithm. It could work, but also supplementation on the inside as well. I am hoping chlorella will help stagnant the aging process, along with MSM, collagen, and vitamin B complex.

Thank you dear! I will try to search for it online myself.

@Alma Petra My situation was different but it worked for me. After wearing clip-ins (with the metal snaps) for an extended period, and sleeping in them at times smh, I suffered traction alopecia.

The patches I was left with were smooth for two years. Until I started baggying 24/7 for extended periods. I was doing the bald spot regimen (found via Pinke Cube and MHM). I would clay wash my hair, load up with protein-free conditioner, canerow my wet hair and baggy 2, 3 or 4 weeks at a time before washing my hair and doing it all over again.

After about 3 or 4 months of this routine, I started to see some growth thank God. It's like the 'greenhouse environment' created by the baggying jump started those follicles back to life.

ETA: MzTeaze reminded me that I was also massaging through my baggy every day and regularly doing inversion. Multiple pronged attack. I was doing a lot.

Thank you very much! You give me hope! But how does continuous baggying work? Is it not irritation for the person and for the scalp? Would the bag not look weird and/or make a noise when you are at work, shopping, trying to sleep, etc?

@Alma Petra @Sharpened

I FULLY understand what you are going thru. I'm 48 and dealing with thinning and a bald crown. I haven't bothered with going to the dermatologist because I went when I had bald spots from weaves and didn't find their advice overly helpful. Regular JBCO use helped my other spots but so far nothing has really concurred that crown area.

So right now I am trying sulfur and scalp massages DAILY along with bhringraj. I tried to get brahmi today but they were out. Both are supposed to work well for reawakening follicles. Same with fenugreek masks.

I will look up pinkcube's protocol to see if that will work for me but I know that the greenhouse method didn't work well with my hair (made it wet & mushy).

Thank you dear. I will look into massaging with JBCO and trying the ayurvedic herbs. I'm just tired I guess. I have put myself on things like minoxidil, finasteride, topical betamethasone, and spironolactone, and I have even tried miconazole (monistat) for a short period of time. And nothing worked. That's why I have low hopes, and also because my problem is long standing and slowly progressive. It does look a lot like one of these alopecia conditions where the body attacks the follicles and kills them -_- We will see...

Fun fact: I have tried the baggying/green house effect before (for moisture) and my hair would dry up immediately upon removing the baggy. I really wish I can suffer from these mushy hair problems if just once in my life lol
Thank you dear! I will try to search for it online myself.

Thank you very much! You give me hope! But how does continuous baggying work? Is it not irritation for the person and for the scalp? Would the bag not look weird and/or make a noise when you are at work, shopping, trying to sleep, etc?

Thank you dear. I will look into massaging with JBCO and trying the ayurvedic herbs. I'm just tired I guess. I have put myself on things like minoxidil, finasteride, topical betamethasone, and spironolactone, and I have even tried miconazole (monistat) for a short period of time. And nothing worked. That's why I have low hopes, and also because my problem is long standing and slowly progressive. It does look a lot like one of these alopecia conditions where the body attacks the follicles and kills them -_- We will see...

Fun fact: I have tried the baggying/green house effect before (for moisture) and my hair would dry up immediately upon removing the baggy. I really wish I can suffer from these mushy hair problems if just once in my life lol

Regarding the bolded, it didn't irritate me or my scalp fortunately. I didn't mind folks knowing but I hid it well by wearing wigs and wraps. I'm not gonna lie, it was noisy if I scratched my head:look:or particularly during those special times:giggle:.
Doing a cassia gloss mix today. For some reason I keep mixing like I have a little bit of hair because I keep running out of mix!

Got a great tip from the bulk herb shop I visited last week - mix marshmallow root powder separately with cold water FIRST then add to mix.
I clay washed my hair on Sunday with a mix of calcium bentonite, rhassoul, hibiscus tea steeped from the dried flowers, water and silk amino acids. I applied it to lightly rinsed hair so it still contained a lot of my DC (UCS).

After rinsing, I did a jojoba oil rinse and followed with a fermented rice water rinse, left on for 5mins. WnG with diluted KCCC (with a dash of hibiscus tea for acidity).
Used APB's Ayurvedic Icing to rebun
So there are small white chunks forming in my jar. There is no palm or coconut oil in it so I'm curious as to why they are forming. There is sunflower, castor, and soybean oils to name the main oils and the ayurvedic extracts. I'm not sure if soybean oil solidifies or not.
It hasn't affected performance though, it still makes my hair soft and pliable. I'm just curious.