New *2009* Transitioners Support Thread!

I don't use heat a lot. (well I guess "a lot" is based on one's opinion) I blow dry, hot comb and curl with marcel irons once every two weeks. My stylist does this, AND I do it when I can't go to her. I don't damage it because we both know how to manage the heat and because nothing touches my hair (no more heat, or even comb) until the next wash.

I'm transitioning progressively, so the relaxed ends are snipped off as often as my ends need trimming, (so far it's been every three months). I see my natural texture every single time my hair gets wet, and it's noticeably different from the stringy relaxed part. This Saturday will be one year :woohoo2: :woot: and my hair is as healthy as ever.

As for me, I've always embraced my hair... even when it was relaxed so I'm transitioning for health (not to make a statement - even though there's nothing wrong with that). I plan to wear my hair straight mostly and as it grows longer I plan to wear it textured. So sometimes I'll look :gorgeous: and sometimes I'll look :afro: My siggy shows how much I love my hair!

I love this. I know several people who aren't really into hair and they transitioned this way simply because their stylist suggested it. They are straight naturals and have thick, luscious, shiny, healthy hair.

I heard that some people can get heat damaged from just one heat process, so that's why I was asking. Right now im transitioning and since I started I have used heat twice , and the flat iron did not touch my new growth at all !

I just find it amazing that women would transition to natural and use heat to keep it straight all the time , it's like what's the sense...but then if it is for the health then .. i guess.

Everybody has different reasons for going natural. I don't think it's fair to judge one by the other. We are all different people with different opinions.

I just find it amazing that women would transition to natural and use heat to keep it straight all the time , it's like what's the sense...but then if it is for the health then .. i guess.

It's simple, chemicals weakened and thinned me out over the decades, no chemicals have allowed my hair to be thick again and retain growth while still wearing it straight. Whether relaxed or natural, goals and methods to achieve those goals come a dime a dozen - just like hair types. Most won't make sense if one doesn't have the same goals. If you try to figure it out, it will just confuse you more.[/QUOTE]

That is one of the reasons I am transitioning - along with having the option of wearing my natural texture if I choose. My relaxed hair isn't thin per say, but I remember how crazy thick my natural hair was as a child. I want to go back to that.

Exactly, it's a guess. Okay throw out the goal concept but be reminded that all hair is different. In short, heat is not damaging MY hair. Depends on who you ask. There are just as many fotkis and youtubers & members here that press and curl and are natural. Pinkskates being one and Irresistable another ( and she presses her hair while damp) and both have nearly butt length hair. It's not complex.... again it all depends on who you ask and that's with everything on this board. Luckily, I can have straight undamaged hair AND turn around the next week and wear it curly.... non damaged. Hope this helps a little.

heat used to damage my hair. Now that I have learned so much from the boards, I believe I could successfully use heat once a week at home and be healthy.

I'm going to embrace my natural hair by not getting relaxers anymore. My hair is relaxed now and I use heat on the regular and its healthy. Im simply transitioning because Im tired of getting touch ups and just want to be done with all the work that comes with being relaxed. I like to wear my hair straight, so I will continue to do so.

Yup, that is me. I am tired of the relaxers, would like relaxer free hair and the freedom to wear it however I want :yep:
46 weeks post...

I apologise for my many pictures :lachen: When I get excited about my hair, the 1st place I come is here.

I did another braidout puff today because one side of my hair got damp while I was taking a shower (Still in cornrows)... so my braidout was looking 'wrong'...

Ok... I promise - no more pictures till.... December :look:

I'll be putting my hair back in braids (no extensions) this weekend but I'll rock another braidout puff tomorrow night. I'll be in the braids for 3 weeks... I'll miss my new found style... oh well, my hair needs the break.

HAve a nice weekend ladies :grin:
I'll be a year tomorrow! :yay:

My tracker gets off by a few days every few months or so... but trust me, it will be 12 months! My stylist said I can do my final trim to all natural around January unless I just want to trim off the last 1.5 inch now.... I'm going to wait and keep going. I think I'll keep pressing it and wearing spirals until the warm weather breaks. By then it will have more length and I can wear it out and textured. No use in fighting the summer humidity trying to keep it straight.

I :love2: MY HAIR!!!!!
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Share some pics soon :yep:
I'll be a year tomorrow! :yay:

My tracker gets off by a few days every few months or so... but trust me, it will be 12 months! My stylist said I can do my final trim to all natural around January unless I just want to trim off the last 1.5 inch now.... I'm going to wait and keep going. I think I'll keep pressing it and wearing spirals until the warm weather breaks. By then it will have more length and I can wear it out and textured. No use in fighting the summer humidity trying to keep it straight.

I :love2: MY HAIR!!!!!
i loooove curlformers!!! i wanted a curly style without direct heat, and boy did they deliver.

not bad for being almost 13 months post. :drunk:
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i loooove curlformers!!! i wanted a curly style without direct heat, and boy did they deliver.

not bad for being almost 13 months post. :drunk:

Ohh that looks so pretty. Your roots look sleek too:yep: How long did they take to dry?
Ohh that looks so pretty. Your roots look sleek too:yep: How long did they take to dry?

aw thanks! i sat under the dryer on medium for about an hour and ten minutes. and then i just did stuff on the computer for about an hour. i think the trick was to do it on damp hair instead of soaking wet. that way it dried much faster and i didn't have to manipulate sopping wet hair.
Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary. :)

I'll be a year tomorrow! :yay:

My tracker gets off by a few days every few months or so... but trust me, it will be 12 months! My stylist said I can do my final trim to all natural around January unless I just want to trim off the last 1.5 inch now.... I'm going to wait and keep going. I think I'll keep pressing it and wearing spirals until the warm weather breaks. By then it will have more length and I can wear it out and textured. No use in fighting the summer humidity trying to keep it straight.

I :love2: MY HAIR!!!!!
my hair is awesome right now. i do have to say that i am using almost the same amount of heat now that i did when i had my first hair setback and had to bc. i dc only when i feel like it (which is really only when i remember) and i haven't been using protein like i should. so the one thing that is different now is that i'm using two heat protectants and a serum when i straighten my hair now. so i'm happy about that, and i don't see my and my flatiron breaking up any time soon. :grin:
i lightly blow-dried my hair last night using shea butter and NTM silk touch and then braided it. My hair was so fluffy and thick this morning it looked like I didn't even braid it! I agree that i will be using heat as well. this newgrowth ain't nuffin to mess with!
I can't believe you're almost 6 months post. It seems like just yesterday you started your transition

Thank you! Time is going by so fast. I can't wait until I reach the same point you are in my transition.:yep:

i loooove curlformers!!! i wanted a curly style without direct heat, and boy did they deliver.

not bad for being almost 13 months post. :drunk:

Very pretty!:clapping:
I think lye relaxers were tearing my scalp up. I haven't used my tar shampoo in months and haven't had any crusties. lol I remember this happening last time I stretched for a looong time. Before, it would be so horrible, like the day after shampooing. It would be gross and embarrassing. The tar shampoo did work, but now I don't even need it. **happy dance**
I like the effect of curlformers but they scare me. I'm worried about tangles. Maybe I should watch some videos. Also I'm wondering would I really want or need curlformers once I become natural?
I used them once. I was through when I pulled my hair through the curler and an one inch chuck of my ends broke off from the traction. I have some if anyone wants to give them a whirl. Maybe you'll have better luck than me. BTW I have heard of a several other people abandoning these, I don't know why.

BTW I have been considering texlaxing today, maybe with phyto....
Hi Allandra, going strong 5 months(doingthe happy dance). Havent had to "deal" with my hair as I've been weaving it up for two months and it still looks great so no complaints heer. I'm enjoying washing and conditioning my braids underneath as well as the little bit of hair left out in the top, I love my curls and my NG is so soft.
I'm going to get my hair braided when I go home this week. I really don't have alot of time to do braid outs or rollersets when I'm on the road.:sad: Braids are my best option for now, I havent decided whether I'm going to get Senegalese Twists again or Micros. I'm trying to decide whether I want to henna or try a caramel treatment before I go to the braid shop.