2011 Delightfully Delicious DC Challenge (Pt. 2)

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I would love to join this challenge. I've been DCing weekly for over a month now. I DC using Shescentit Banana Brulee mixed w/ honey, amla oil, a lil cholesterol and wheat germ oil w/ heat. Then I alternate w/ ORS replenishment Pak mixed w/ honey and wheat germ oil no heat. I'm not a fan of the Brulee straight up smdh but my mixture ended up pretty nice.
All you Joico MRTB users, help! Okay so I applied a good amount on my hair. It soaked into my hair and I immediately started to question because I'm like hmmm, I like to see conditioner residue on my hair to know I've used enough (crazy, maybe). I'm now under the steamer and it truly feels like it's doing absolutely nothing! In feeling around in my roots and my hair, it just feels blah. Barely feels moisturized. Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions but when does the moisture goodness start to happen?
I have an amla paste in my hair now. Will follow with getting under the steamer with Komaza's Intense Moisture Therapy.
Update/Review on Joico MRTB on how my hair responded (long) -

I applied it to my hair and it soaked in; just vanished! This concerned me so I steamed for about 1 hr rather than my usual 40 mins to ensure the MRTB was doing its thang. :rolleyes: My hair was super soft upon rinsing. :lick: Applied my LIs and proceeded to air dry. I combed through my hair while damp and experienced a fair amount of breakage :blush: so I stopped and waited for my hair to completely. :spinning: After drying, my hair was extremely soft and full with body. I combed a little more to finish detangling and I got a little more breakage although not as much as before. :nono: I will monitor my hair but will go back to one of my staple DC (Kenra Moisturizing Condish) for my next wash. I really was/am about 2 secs from sending MRTB back to Ulta but my hair is super soft, in which I like but it's breaking, which I don't like. :perplexed My hair isn't/wasn't mushy or anything like that so I truly don't think I'm over moisturized. My hair, however, is under processed and Kenra has been the only conditioner so far to stop breakage in those sections. I might hang on to MRTB and see how it does for me once my hair is corrected. It seems like it has GREAT potential.

(@IDareT'sHair - posted a review on how it went for me)

All you Joico MRTB users, help! Okay so I applied a good amount on my hair. It soaked into my hair and I immediately started to question because I'm like hmmm, I like to see conditioner residue on my hair to know I've used enough (crazy, maybe). I'm now under the steamer and it truly feels like it's doing absolutely nothing! In feeling around in my roots and my hair, it just feels blah. Barely feels moisturized. Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions but when does the moisture goodness start to happen?
Count me in! Will continue to dc AT LEAST 1x per week. I usually overnight dc or use a little heat and leave overnight.

Dced last night with kbb mask and a bit of wheat germ oil. I've had better results. It was good but not as great as when I add safflower oil or even nothing at all.
Ooops...didn't realize there was a part 2 I had to sign up for. Ok, part 1 was so successful for me (length! length! length!) that I have to keep going. I DC'd on Saturday with ORS Replenishing for 30 minutes under a dryer. I really think I'm getting better results by using heat and alternating between a protein and a moisturizing DC each week. Thanks for the challenge.
DC'd Saturday night with the last of my Queen Helene & oils mix. Washed with Aphogee Shampoo & Giovanni SAS Shampoo, quick conditioned with HE Break's Over & Victoria Secret So Sexy (that stuff smells hevenly!) ACV rinsed, then blow dried and flat ironed with my Joico iron. :) My mix for the next month will be Elasta QP Soy Oil DC & WGO. :D
Hey Ladies In a Few:

Will DC for about 30 minutes tonight under Dryer with Cathy Howse UBH and then will Steam for about 30 with Jasmine Avacado & Silk Under Steamer.
I would like to join as well. I've been DC'ing with Mixed Chicks Deep Conditioner for protein every week and I add a protein DC ORS Hair Mayo every other week in addition to my moisture DC. I like the Mixed Chicks Deep Conditioner but since I am just about out, I am thinking about trying a different product. Haven't decided on what I will try just yet but thinking about a Carol's Daughter product.
You can add me
I dc'ed last night with alter ego with garlic mixed with hempseed oil no heat cause i was lazy. I just left it in with a cap for a couple of hours and rinsed.
Count me in, pretty please. I need to up my deep conditioning game. I think I'll DC once a week alternativing between protein and moisturizing conditioner.
divachyk - I didn't have great results DCing with joico moisture recovery balm, but when I use it as a rinse out conditioner (the instructions on the bottle say to leave it on for 5 minutes) I am a lot happier with it. I still don't think it's worth repurchasing though. I think my hair is too fine to benefit from it because it says it's for coarse hair. Who knows.
@leiah - my ng is Kentucky fried chicken crispy dry today. Won't be repurchasing either from the looks of it. Although it took me a couple of tries with Kenra before I learned how to use it correctly and reap all the benefits that most rave of. ETA: I'm undecided but I doubt I return the product at this point. I might give it a go once more (my hair is somewhat coarse). If it works, great if not, great. I'll just KIM.
Am I added to this challenge again...

I will steam on Wed...Just braided my hair after bathing it in coconut oil and my Shea butter miracle mix.
DCed with Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose, raw honey, alma, maka, brahmi powders, aloe vera juice for 2 hours, after an Aphogee 2-Step treatment. Hair feels luscious. Will DC again on Wednesday.

Will henna later on this week. Hair responds very well to this particular combination of treatments.
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Checking in - been DCing with Joico Moisture Balm. My hair has improved vastly - snipped off all the crispy ends and they're bahaving really well! Can't wait for my next DC! :grin::grin::grin:
Hi Ladies: today I cowashed w/ Jason's Natural Jojoba Conditioner and DC'ed w/ ORS Hair Mayonaisse (I was due for a light protein treatment). I mixed 2 drops of hemp oil with it. came out good :)
Like cheseatiara, I put together some DCs that had tiny amounts left in the container. So, I'm sitting with a mix of BFH Shea Almond and BFH Barberry Sage, with a tube of Schwarzkopf Smooth Express.
DC'ed overnight with Mixed Chicks Deep Conditioner. Finished the container and now I am on the search for another product to try. I liked the Mixed Chicks product so I may just stick with that one but I do want to try out Carol's Daughter.
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