Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

I just washed :look: I’m lazy so, let’s just say I had to pull out the 3-minute DC :look:

In other news. I may have to blame the rice water because my hair has been a breeze to detangle with my tangle teezer brush. Like, no struggles. That’s the only thing I’ve changed or added in. I don’t even have to use the wide tooth. My scalp is also feeling much better. If only I could figure out the smell.
Been buying some wigs since I had to throw out 2 and gave away 1 this afternoon.

I bought 3 city girl curlz wigs from

I bought the following wigs there because they were buy 2 get 1 free:

Raven Super Curlz in the color Cookie
Syza Curlz in the color Lion Babe
and Jade Curlz in the color Blonde Ombre
I went crazy and bought 2 more wigs from

Bobbi Boss Davina in the color 613
and It's A Wig Fanny in the color F3240

I am really getting into wigs with a lot of color now. I wore a few and got tons of compliments from so many people. So yeah...color it is moving forward. I will still get some black ones in between.

My 3 Bobbi Boss Zelena wigs are here and I played around with one of them in the color 4/27/30 (I think that's the color) and love :love: love it. It is big but cute.
In other news. I may have to blame the rice water because my hair has been a breeze to detangle with my tangle teezer brush. Like, no struggles. That’s the only thing I’ve changed or added in. I don’t even have to use the wide tooth. My scalp is also feeling much better. If only I could figure out the smell.
You summed it up quite well...."Doodie Dipe-y":barf:
Yup! @oneastrocurlie

supposedly they opened a new store. Expanded. More workers and still during sales it took this long. I low key gave up on her a long time ago. Wish them well but shipping for them takes too long. I'll drive by the store when im in NC to check it out one day

Sounds like nothing has changed since I like bought from her years ago. Smh.
Good evening my wonderful e-friends :wave:.

I don't know if you remembered me ordering some wigs from 2 sites less than 48 hours ago...

Well anyway, I already got a shipping notification from both of them - one yesterday and the other today, which is a at least 4 days early for each of them.

I am very happy and pleasantly surprised by this I'll have you all know :happydance:. I especially can't wait for the ones from city girl curlz - these are the ones I'm most excited about getting.
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