4 Month Ayurveda Challenge!

Hey Ladies,
It's been a while since I have checked in. My hair really luvs amla paste w/ EOs, ayurvedic oils, silk peptide powder & castor oil! My hair is getting crazy thick & it's growing nicely too. BTW, I added some Glover's sulfur to my paste, my hair feels strong, almost like I could sew a button on with a strand of my hair!
I'm still using the same routine it works no breakages with my transition. I preoil amla, neem, shikaki, and jasmine, co wash mix amla, methi, brahmi, hib, maka with VO5 or Suave, dc then tea rinse with methi, amla, hib, brahmi, maka. I have not had any problems with fenugreek maybe because I use the cheap conditioners and use a whip.

Definitely a whip is the way to go. I use one too when I mix all my powders:yep:.
I clarified and conditioned my hair for 15 minutes with MT (for additional strength) and AO HSR, Now I am henna'ing my hair for 2 hours followed with indigo on my hairline mostly for another 2 hours. (I will use some porosity control conditioner on my hair today as well). I will then DC with CON Ultra Nourishing Conditioner mixed with a little AO HSR for 3 hours, possibly overnight.
Today preoil with amla/shikaki/jasmine, mix with vo5 strawsberry with amla/shikaki, hib, fenugreek, brahmi, maka this mix well I tried it with aussie but it's was too thick. DC with AO Rose and use rusk leave in.
I henna'd today. I added more Brahmi and Maka powders than usual and now my scalp tingles.:spinning: I never had that to happen without adding EO's to the henna mix. My hair is very soft.:yep:
Forgot to scritch this week. Will try again next week. I'm really liking this routine of 3 days tea rinsing and cowashing it out and 2 days of mixing powders in cowashes and dcs. My bathtub thanks me for this too. With all this added product in my hair I think every two weeks I will alternate bw shampooing with a bar, liquid shampoo, cleansing tea rinse, and clarifying.

I just ordered kaphi tone, cassia, amla oil, and shikakai oil. Can't wait to get those to incorporate them in my routine.
Forgot to scritch this week. Will try again next week. I'm really liking this routine of 3 days tea rinsing and cowashing it out and 2 days of mixing powders in cowashes and dcs. My bathtub thanks me for this too. With all this added product in my hair I think every two weeks I will alternate bw shampooing with a bar, liquid shampoo, cleansing tea rinse, and clarifying.

I just ordered kaphi tone, cassia, amla oil, and shikakai oil. Can't wait to get those to incorporate them in my routine.

A rediscovered hair practice of mine - the beloved scritching:grin:. Works like a charm and leaves my scalp all nice and tingly:yep:.

ETA: I think I need to start adding my powders to my conditioners everytime now to get some faster results especially with summer coming just around the corner - problem is, I will be having extension braids installed next week end. Hmmm, decisions, decisions!Ah what the heck, I'll continue to use my ayurveda tea rinse spritzer then:yep:.
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I henna'd today. I added more Brahmi and Maka powders than usual and now my scalp tingles.:spinning: I never had that to happen without adding EO's to the henna mix. My hair is very soft.:yep:

I henna'ed today as well and had the same sensation on my scalp but that could be from the 5 drops of tea tree EO I added to mine, maybe:look: or it could be from all the scritching I've been doing lately.
Today I'm doing a dc with TJ Nourish spa, Aussie Moist, Fenugreek/Bhringraj tea, Nettle, Horsetail, and Bhrami. I will air dry and seal with Vatika oil.:lick:
This week used Amila and Kalpi Tone. I think this is going to be my permanent mix. I really LOVE the way my hair comes out. I know Kalpi Tone already has Amla in it, but my hair seems to love the added Amla.

I also tried the Rusk Sensories conditioner. I had samples and this has now become my new con-wash. It is incredibly moisturizing and helps counter the powders.

Lastly since Amla is my favorite, I have decided to go with Amla w/o MO. I have found it made with Sesame Oil (till oil) and would like to try that. I am trying my best to only use the best during my hair journey.
Aggie where are you?? :look:

What's up FL, I am henna'ing my hair today. About to wash it out right now.

Here's my update:

I have my last bit of henna that I added a big gob of Loreal Mega Moisture Conditioner to on my hair right now. I will be letting my stylist give me another trim tomorrow and can't wait to see what I'll look like. I'll follow up this henna treatment with some AO HSR mixed with a little honey and hot EVOO and will keep it in overnight, wash out in the morning and will be going to my stylist with a wig over shower cap on wet hair and all she has to do is give me a color rinse and trim and I'll be outta there.

My gray hairs are really resisting color now so we'll see what happens tomorrow. I think my henna might be a little old so I'll throw it out and buy some more. I don't think it's wise to buy the amount of henna I did the last time (5lbs):nono:. I didn't go through it fast enough obviously so next time I'll just buy a kilo at at time which is about 2.2lbs. That should be enough for about a year providing I'm henna'ing my hair at least once every 4-6 weeks:yep:.
What's up FL,

I just got done stalking your Fotki for the Fenugreek recipe. Lol I still trip out on how much stuff you own!!:spinning: Anyway, I was wondering if you did your dc after your Fenugreek treatment or did you mix it with your cond. I made a tea of Brhingraj and Fenugreek, mixed it with my cond., then added my other herbs. My hair came out strong. (like it does when I do a tea rinse), but not quite as moist as when I do A rinse first , then dc. I'm def. gonna try your. recipe. Also I never add oil to my mixture, do you think the oil makes a big difference?
What's up FL,

I just got done stalking your Fotki for the Fenugreek recipe. Lol I still trip out on how much stuff you own!!:spinning: Anyway, I was wondering if you did your dc after your Fenugreek treatment or did you mix it with your cond. I made a tea of Brhingraj and Fenugreek, mixed it with my cond., then added my other herbs. My hair came out strong. (like it does when I do a tea rinse), but not quite as moist as when I do A rinse first , then dc. I'm def. gonna try your. recipe. Also I never add oil to my mixture, do you think the oil makes a big difference?

I always seem to DC after any ayurveda treatment as a force od habit I guess and the fenugreek tea rinse is no exception. I have on occasion, used the fenugreek tea rinse as a final rinse the same way I use the ACV rinse after my DC for added slip and that has worked fine as well. But more often than not, I hve DCed after the rinse.

I do feel beyond a shaow of a doubt that oils added to it make a world of difference inmy opinion, especially coconut oil:yep:.
I always seem to DC after any ayurveda treatment as a force od habit I guess and the fenugreek tea rinse is no exception. I have on occasion, used the fenugreek tea rinse as a final rinse the same way I use the ACV rinse after my DC for added slip and that has worked fine as well. But more often than not, I hve DCed after the rinse.

I do feel beyond a shaow of a doubt that oils added to it make a world of difference inmy opinion, especially coconut oil:yep:.

So basically this is a tea rinse mixed with oil, then dc. Hmmmm...........Sounds yummy.
Thanks, I'll probably be using Vatika, since that's what I have the most of.
I am out of town, but I am still keeping it ayurvedic by using vatika oil and my swastik shampoo bar. By the way, I love the shampoo bar.
Prepooed with Navratna oil, pooed with Shikakai bar, dcing with ORS, AM,Suave Humectant, Amla, Bhrami,Bhringraj, Nettle. I will airdry & seal with Cantu leave in and Vatika.
Prepooed with Navratna oil, pooed with Shikakai bar, dcing with ORS, AM,Suave Humectant, Amla, Bhrami,Bhringraj, Nettle. I will airdry & seal with Cantu leave in and Vatika.

Preoil with amla,jasmine, shikaki, dc with amla,meth,shikaki,maka,brahmi, nex emergen, dc with yes to carrot, pc, tea rinse, cantu leave in and vatika

Flowinlocks, did you find the original Cantu leave in?
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Preoil with amla,jasmine, shikaki, dc with amla,meth,shikaki,maka,brahmi, nex emergen, dc with yes to carrot, pc, tea rinse, cantu leave in and vatika

Flowinlocks, did you find the original Cantu leave in?

My sister found it!!:grin: She found it at an Asian bbs. The funny thing is, it's in the new jar, but it's the old formula:perplexed. And the jar looks even slightly different than the previous new jar I ordered online.
My sister found it!!:grin: She found it at an Asian bbs. The funny thing is, it's in the new jar, but it's the old formula:perplexed. And the jar looks even slightly different than the previous new jar I ordered online.
I'm glad you got some, I love this stuff!
It's growing alright, but what are you doing to retain the growth? Any protective styling, bunning, roller setting, etc?

Ur right it is growing. I took a comparison pic and compared it to Dec and realized that its not that my hair didnt grow. the dam hair stylist mustve chopped off 2 inches of hair! My pic in Dec was full shoulder length and now i'm a little past shoulder length.

i still feel discouraged because i watch other women's head on here and their hair is flourishing and mine seems to stay the same. sorry to be so negative.

But i'm back on my ayurveda grind. did a rinse with Shikakai and Amla, co washed with hairveda's moist condition & deep conditioned with Nexxus Humectress. braided my hair and will keep this style hopefully for 2 weeks, sealed with Vatika oil.
Yesterday, I DC'd with AO HR on dry hair, then cleansed with Ayurvedic mixture, then DC'd again and ACV for final rinse. Pinned up and air-dried with scarf. My hair is still damp in the back, but very soft and silky. My new growth looks like the relaxed hair as well. Even less breakage in comb than before. I think that is due to the ACV rinses.

Still loving Ayurveda, but need to find a way to simplify. I think I will try one of the bars once my powders are finished. I have made the decision not to buy anything else until my current stash of the same type of product is finished. I can't afford to be a hair PJ :lachen:. I already have too many other addictions - books, food, home deco, shoes.
Yesterday I dced with TJ Nourish Spa, Aussie Moist, Bhrami, Bhingraj, Nettle & Horsetail. I did something different this time, I added a teaspoon of Chlorophyll to my mix. It kinda made my scalp tingle a little. I sealed with Vatika & my homemade Shikakai, Neem,Amla oil. Tonight I'm experimenting with infusing an oil consisting of Vatika, Skikakai, Bhringraj,and Fenugeek. After I strain it and put it in my bottle, I'll add Rosemary EO.:lick:
Yesterday I dced with TJ Nourish Spa, Aussie Moist, Bhrami, Bhingraj, Nettle & Horsetail. I did something different this time, I added a teaspoon of Chlorophyll to my mix. It kinda made my scalp tingle a little. I sealed with Vatika & my homemade Shikakai, Neem,Amla oil. Tonight I'm experimenting with infusing an oil consisting of Vatika, Skikakai, Bhringraj,and Fenugeek. After I strain it and put it in my bottle, I'll add Rosemary EO.:lick:
This does sound interesting but I thought vatika had shikaki and bhringraji? I don't have anymore to look at the ingredients!
This does sound interesting but I thought vatika had shikaki and bhringraji? I don't have anymore to look at the ingredients!

I does indeed have Bhrami,Amla,Henna,Neem,and even the rosemary. I'm not sure about the Bhringraj. And I didn't see Shikakai either,but I have some Shikakai I need to use up. I use it sparingly because it tends to dry my hair even in small doses. My Bhringraj has a few too many stem & pieces for my liking, so I'm using it up also. In teas & cowashes. The Fenugreek is a chore for me to incorporate it into my reggie unless I make a tea out of it. Although I recently learned boiling water help it from being so gummy. I still want the goodness of these herbs in my hair constantly. So what better way to use up my stash? I figure a little extra punch to that Vatika can't hurt. I'm calling it my Vatika cocktail.:grin:
My hair is drier these days and I think it has to do with a number of things. I'm 21 weeks post, I probably should be moisturizing 2x/day, and I think my hair has a tougher time in summer vs winter. So I have upped the moisturizing to 2x day. I may start carrying an extra moisturizer with me just in case. I plan to cut back on using the powders and teas to only 1x/wk each. I always do an acv rinse as my final step but I think I may need to add porosity control somewhere in there too. I whole head baggy a few times a week also. Hopefully all of these small changes will help combat the dryness.
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